
(919) 523 - 5654


Versatile, deeply knowledgeable technologist with exceptional communication skills. Voracious learner.


Synopsys, Inc. — Applications Engineer, Senior Staff

July 2015 - present

  • Researched technical security topics, such as Bitcoin protocol fuzzing and software supply chain tools.
  • Delivered tools, demonstrations, presentations, and documentation to evangelize fuzzing within Synopsys and for customers.

Codenomicon — Principal Security Engineer

August 2011 - July 2015

  • Articulated the value and techniques of fuzz testing for customers.
  • Delivered proof-of-concept fuzzing projects against a wide variety of targets.
  • Co-author of Fuzz Testing Maturity Model, which describes how fuzz testing fits in an overall risk management structure.

Oracle / Sun Microsystems — Senior Engineer / Principal Writer

September 2001 - August 2011

  • Integrated Sun’s high-performance virtual machine with the OCAP RI.
  • Created documentation and code for the Java Development Kit (JDK).
  • Lead writer for Java Wireless Toolkit.


Utica College — Master of Science in Cybersecurity

Fall 2017 - Spring 2021

Cyber Operations concentration. GPA 4.0.

Princeton University — Bachelor of Science and Engineering

Mechanical / Aerospace Engineering, cum laude


Selected books: Java Cryptography, Java 2D Graphics, Wireless Java, The Unofficial Guide to LEGO MINDSTORMS Robots