Jonathan Hogue

I am curios, love learning, and understanding how things work.

Weather: Lite

This is a simple weather app. After getting the user's permission to use location services I send the latitude and longitude to services with URLSession and decode the returning JSON. I also account for light/dark mode based on the user's system setting.

Accessibility: I use Dynamic Type to change text size based on the user's system setting.

Technologies used: Swift, SwiftUI, CoreLocation, URLSession, JSON, Codable, Dynamic Type (Accessibility)

You can download the App here!


Shortage Tracker

This app was the first one I made 2 years ago as an Inventory Manager.  I input part numbers, quantities, part due dates, job due dates, supplier name, customer names and shipping methods to keep track of the part shortages for customer demand.

Technologies: Swift, UIKit, CoreData, StoryBoards