
My research interests are motivated by the study of manifolds (i.e., surfaces and their higher-dimensional analogues). For this, I use a blend of techniques from mathematical fields such as low-dimensional topology and combinatorics, tools from computer science, such as parameterised complexity theory, as well as practical skills from algorithm design and the development of mathematical software.

Here are the slides of two versions of one talk highlighting algorithmic and topological aspects of my work.

Table of contents for this page

My ORCID profile

See this page for a complete list of all of my published works.

Selected talks


Oct 2019: Talk at the Pure Maths Seminar, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

Title: Linking topology and combinatorics: Width-type parameters of 3-manifold


May 2019: Talk at Sydney Algorithms Group Seminar, The University of Sydney, Australia.

Title: Discrete Algorithms for Geometric Topology


Dec 2015: Talk at the 39th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Brisbane, Australia.

Title: Separation index of graphs and stacked 2-sphere


Oct 2015: Talk at Institute for Science and Technology, Klosterneuburg, Austria.

Title: Algorithms and complexity for Turaev-Viro invariants


Oct 2015: Presentation at Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, see extended abstract above.

Title: Random collapsibility and 3-sphere recognition


Jun 2015: Talk at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

Title: Parameterised complexity theory for topological problems


Feb 2015: Talk at University of Ulm, Germany.

Title: Geometrie und Topologie im Computeralgebrasystem GAP


Dec 2014: Talk at the University of Melbourne

Title: Tightness for triangulations


Apr 2014: Talk at the Computational and Algorithmic Topology workshop (CATS), Sydney, Australia.

Title: Bounds for the genus of a normal surface

Selected Workshops and Conferences

This workshop at The University of Sydney will bring together experts and emerging researchers from Australia, the USA and Europe to report on recent results and explore future directions in computational and algorithmic topology and related areas. There will be a focus on problems in computational geometric topology and computational algebraic topology. This workshop aims to stimulate interaction between researchers in order to bring about new collaborations on difficult problems that cannot be tackled from one viewpoint alone.


This will be a three day workshop on Geometric and Topological Combinatorics, with lectures in the morning and time for discussions and networking in the afternoons. It is primarily funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin, as part of Francisco Santos' Einstein Visiting Fellowship within the Discrete Geometry Group at FU Berlin for 2016-2019. Additional funding is provided by the project Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics (SFB Transregio 109) and the Berlin Mathematical School.


This will be a four day workshop with lectures, presentations and informal discussions on discrete geometry and topology, and related topics (combinatorial topology, computational geometry, polytope theory). It is primarily funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin, as part of Francisco Santos' Einstein Visiting Fellowship at FU Berlin for 2016-2019. Additional funding is provided by the project Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics (SFB Transregio 109) and the Berlin Mathematical School.
