AP Seminar

Negative Vibes:

Teen Conformity & Peer Pressure

Research Question:

How does social influence affect American adolescents' decision to conform into their current society?

Problem Statement:

Negative influence affects teenagers in a social crisis by forcing them to adapt to their peers instead of sticking to their personal beliefs.

Click below to access the 3 stages of the AP Seminar Process for this Project:

My name is Jonathan Lopez, I am a Senior at Chapin High School involved in the Engineering Magnet Program (Biomedical pathway), Hi-Q club, and Student Office. After high school, I will be attending UTEP on an academic scholarship where I plan to study medicine so I can become a Primary Care Physician.

Banner picture source:

Admin. (2016, April 3). Difference between close friend and best friend. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. Retrieved May 10, 2022, from https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-close-friend-and-vs-best-friend/