Senior Lecturer in French and Linguistics | University of Westminster

/about me

MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Kent), FHEA. I am a Senior Lecturer in French and Linguistics at the University of Westminster with a research focus on language contact and language variation change in lesser-studied languages. Much of my work has focused on testing principles of linguistic change through production and perception in diverse linguistic ecologies. I am particularly interested in community-based research methods. I am happy to receive PhD and Masters supervision requests in any of these areas area.

I am currently involved in a number of ongoing research projects, including:

Prior to joining Westminster, I lectured at Queen Mary University of London from 2015, predominantly in quantitative and qualitative sociolinguistics and research methods. Before arriving at Queen Mary, from 2014-2015, I held two posts simultaneously: I was Associate Lecturer in the Department of French at the University of Kent, where I taught introductory linguistic theory and sociolinguistics, and I also held the post of Maître de langue in the Département du monde anglophone at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, where I taught courses in applied phonology and linguistic variation.

I am an external examiner in Languages, Cultures and Linguistics at SOAS, and Senior Visiting Fellow in Linguistics at the University of Suffolk. I was Co-editor (2015-2020) of the Journal of French Language Studies' sister-journal Cahiers, and I am now (2021-Present) Research Notes Editor on the Board of the Journal of French Language Studies. I sit on academic executive committees for the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (External Relations) and the University Council of General and Applied Linguistics (Treasurer).

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