Jonas Vlachos

Professor, Department of Economics, Stockholm University


Bluesky: @jonasvlachos

Twitter: @jonasvlachos


Curriculum Vitae

Google scholar

Affiliations and networks: American Economic Association, European Association of Labour Economists, EENEE, GLO.  


Forthcoming paper: “The impact of the Covid-19 school closure on adolescents’ use of mental healthcare services in Sweden” (with Evelina Björkegren and Helena Svaleryd), forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Final draft and appendix.

The next Stockholm-Uppsala Education Economics Workshop will take place on April 26, 2024. The keynote presentation will be held by Matthew Wiswall. Submission deadline: March 1, 2024.

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Om Claudia Goldin och lärarbristen (Arbetsvärlden)

Ekonomisk Debatt om skolors mervärde