Working Papers

"Automation and Polarization," with Daron Acemoglu, 2024, R&R Journal of Political Economy.

"Redistributive Income Taxation with Directed Technical Change," 2022.

"Inefficiency and Regulation in Credence Goods Markets with Altruistic Experts," with Razi Farukh and Anna Kerkhof, 2020.


"An Elementary Theory of Directed Technical Change and Wage Inequality," 2022, Review of Economic Studies, 89(1), pp. 411-451.

"Everything is Different in the 2000s? The Decreasing Importance of Sectoral Structural Change for the Fall of Labour Shares in Germany," with Alexander Herzog-Stein and Ulrike Stein, German Review of Social Policy, 03/2016.

Policy Reports

"Foreign Trade of the EU27 - A Regional and Sectoral Analysis," with Sabine Stephan, IMK Report Nr. 83e, 2013.