From Helena Polansky

Posted August 22, 2009 at 11:14 PM Rock and Roll Roller Coaster is either going to be changed to the Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montanna! I asked a lot of workers about this and they said it was true. I think this is so stupid. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});From steve lee

Posted August 22, 2009 at 11:18 PMWake me up when they replace it with a good rollercoaster...From James Rao

Posted August 23, 2009 at 3:57 AMI like RnR, and my kids like Jonas Bros. While I would prefer to rock the course with some music from my youth (Styx, REO, Journey), I completely understand why Disney would want to save a few bucks (no more Aerosmith licensing fees) and push what is popular to today's kids.Honestly, they could be playing Fisher Price music, and I would still ride. It might lessen the overall immersion factor, but that 0 - 60 launch is worth it.From Andrew Holden

Posted August 23, 2009 at 5:40 AMLONG LIVE AEROSMITH!What song from either of those Disney artists wouuld fit RnR, really. If Disney is really doing this, I will be mad.From Raul Araoz

Posted August 23, 2009 at 7:18 AMThe Disney Channelfication of WDW is going strong.I will be shocked if either the Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana is still relevant in 10 years. Lizzie McGuire who? What's next? The Hollywood Tower of the Suite Life of Zack and Cody? Children are fickle, Disney. What they like one year can easily change the next. Stick with the tried and true.From Dan M

Posted August 23, 2009 at 12:21 PMAlong with the fact that I would really not like to see this happen, I just don't see it as being very likely either. The Jonas Brothers really don't have a very wide demographic by any means. I don't really think that Disney's most thrilling rollercoaster is trying to appeal to kids under 10. It's not even as much that it only appeals to that small demographic, but that many outside that age hate the Jonas Brothers with a BURNING passion. So much so that I would imagine many of them would just ignore them. I can't say that the group of people that like them are going away any time soon, but the track record for other Disney artists isn't very good. From Anthony Murphy

Posted August 23, 2009 at 2:17 PMI doubt it will come to this, but the music might change because Aerosmith might step out. Jonas Brothers would be really bad because of the very narrow demographics. Who knows?From James Rao

Posted August 23, 2009 at 4:34 PMI like Aerosmith, too, but are they really still relevant? I can't remember the last time I heard even a peep out of them. 50 - 60 year old rockers are more pathetic than hip aren't they?Maybe RnR should take a page out of Universal's book and allow you to choose your rock song like RRR? The preshow would have to be more generic, but it could work.From Phil Beska

Posted August 23, 2009 at 4:50 PMI couldn't imagine even Disney being this lame. Aerosmith is an iconic rock and roll band, where as Hanna and the Jonas are icons of aggressive marketing to children so parents can, in turn, open up their wallets to pacify them. There is nothing rock and roll about them. Aerosmith will always be a cooler choice, and their legacy as well as their fantastic catalog of songs they've created over the years destroys Hanna's and the JB's combined. I understand the need to replace them if an extension on the contract hasn't been reached, but make the change at least a lateral one, don't take a step backwards.From steve lee

Posted August 23, 2009 at 5:39 PMJames, you're not keeping up on current events. Aerosmith was just in the news - Steven Tyler fell off a catwalk during a show and they had to cancel the rest of their tour. No word on which hip they're going to have to replace...From Anthony Murphy

Posted August 23, 2009 at 7:26 PMI just want Aerosmith to stay on because whenever I think of this ride, I start humming "Love in a Roller Coaster". Makes the ride even cooler and I love that a roller coaster actually has a said storyline. Jonas Brothers, once again, seems like a bad move because it really doesn't fit and most of the thrill rides are devoid of additions of Disney Characters. Yes the JB are Disney Characters in my opinion. I have nothing against them, but keep RnRC the way it is!BTW, its the only place where you can apprently flash the "horns" and not have the picture get "lost"/call to Disney police!From James Rao

Posted August 23, 2009 at 8:29 PMSteve, you're right, I did miss that. Hmmmm... was it announced on the AARP Channel?From Gareth H

Posted August 23, 2009 at 10:00 PMWhat's next? The Hollywood Tower of the Suite Life of Zack and Cody? SWEET!! Gotta admit, nothing else on TV on a Saturday morning I'll watch it.Would actually be pretty funny if that ever did happen, obviously its not EVER going to, but Disneyfication could get out of control and anything deemed scary could get charged. Look at Alien Encounter.Wicked Witch could be changed to the Mildly depressed, thus bitter, eldery lady with a hunch, for all of the shows.Pirates of the caribbean, an actually violent ride, could be changed to something less scary, maybe replace it with a teletubbies river ride. Eh oh! (Not Disney, but licensing etc, think of the merchandising.

How about changing the scaries ride of all into something Family friendly?ITS A SMALL WORLD, Arrrrrrrrrrrhj!!!!From Michael Owen

Posted August 24, 2009 at 3:34 AMI highly doubt this is going to happen. If it was a small coaster designed for juniors I'd understand it as either the Jonas Brothers or HM would appeal to the rides target audience.Rock 'n' Roller Coaster is a coaster with a relatively large hight requirement and is designed to appeal to teens and upwards. What's the point in giving the coaster a theme that doesn't appeal to its target audience? What's the point when majority of people who are big fans of the two Disney artists aren't actually tall enough to ride the coaster and/or would be too scared to anyway? From James Rao

Posted August 24, 2009 at 6:32 AMI think you are underestimating the demographic. My nine year old rode RnR in 2007 and still likes the Jonas Bros/HM at 11. I think kids are cool with Radio Disney and all its offerings until they get into the cliques of High School when it is no longer cool to like anything other than Death Metal and Classic Rock.There is a definitely a bias on this thread as most posters are quite a bit older and more jaded. Innocent kids will still like innocent rock 'n' roll. And there is no questioning the mass appeal of HM/Jonas to the youth of today. Whether the Radio Disney stars of today will be popular ten years from now remains to be seen, but there is no question Aerosmith does not have a huge following among the target 8 - 13 demo, if indeed that is the audience Disney is trying to capture.I go back to my previous post: the only way the ride can maintain relevancy with all demographics is to copy RRR and allow the rider to select the music he/she wishes to hear. The intro to the ride would have to be more generic, but it is the only way to satisfy all comers.From Adam Nodjomian

Posted August 24, 2009 at 9:26 AMI wouldn't ride it anymore if the JB tookover. It wouldn't be worth it. Aerosmith became more popular with games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Everyone knows their name. A rock group is the only who matches this ride anyways.From Joshua Counsil

Posted August 24, 2009 at 10:17 AMI've got a ring on my finger to remind me what I cannot do ...Ahhh, South Park. Now there's a franchise worthy of an attraction.From Ruth Honor

Posted August 24, 2009 at 10:35 AMI would never ride it again. This would ruin the ride. It surpose to be a rock band not some lame kiddie group. I'm still steaming over the change from s-x tech to stich's great escape. Now, the worst attraction in history. Disney if it ain't broke don't fix it.From James Rao

Posted August 24, 2009 at 10:43 AMWell, then, with shorter lines, I guess I won't have to fastpass RnRC anymore! Cool!If that's all it takes, then hurry up and give me Lawrence Welk's Big Band Coaster, too!From Dan M

Posted August 24, 2009 at 11:01 AMThe problem here is, appealing to the niche market that likes the Jonas Brothers won't draw more people to the ride. I would assume that most fans of Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers who are going to DHS are going to ride RnRC because it's one of the parks signature E-Tickets and even if they're not Aerosmith fans, they will still ride anyway. The same cannot be said if the Jonas Brothers are the stars of the ride and will utterly repulse many who already do enjoy this ride but not the Jonas Brothers so much so that they will not even ride. And for those of you who don't think Aerosmith of other classic rock groups don't have any profile amongst High Schoolers, you'd be surprised how much many of the great 60's and 70's bands are still appreciated today by many teenagers. They don't have as much of a profile as many modern Rap, R&B, and other groups have, but it is certainly there. Oh and that is quite possibly the greatest South Park of all time Joshua, by the way. From James Rao

Posted August 24, 2009 at 12:04 PMLONG LIVE GEEZER ROCK!!!From Gareth H

Posted August 24, 2009 at 2:20 PM"Uh huh, oh boy"Surprised no ones mentioned an obviousl high profile candidate, should Disney decide to stick with an adult audience rather pre-pubesent teens, on this ride.As much as I loooooooooooathe the guy (RIP), his music was worthy of an attraction.He's The Legend, the man with the sparkly hand, he's whiter than white & he thrilled in the night. 

Its the one, the only, Mr Innocence (As proved in a court of law), Mr Michaeeeeeeeeeeeeeel Jacksooooooooooooon.What do ya think?Rocking Roller Coaster could be :-

"Michael Jacksons Really Bad Jiving Roller Coaster - We haven't spent any money on it in the past few years, so tell me, Who's Bad?"The "Billie Jean Coaster of Love", but all hands must be shackled whilst you ride so as not to inadvertantly touch each other!MJ's Beat it Coaster. Same shackling rules as above apply."Don't stop till you get enough" Coaster - Just keeps going around around untl you throw up or pass out!I could go on, "In the Closet" (Actually, Jonas Bros may wanna use that one ;), Ease on down the road, etc etc, but I smell a lawsuit, so I"ll stop!!Anyhoo, I"m off to TGI Fridays. Later all :)From Gareth H

Posted August 24, 2009 at 2:42 PMForgot to add, "Bay baaaaaaaaay!"From Rob P

Posted August 27, 2009 at 4:13 AMFor those out there that want to dismiss Aerosmith as irrelevant because they haven't been in high profile recently or are " too old" . Just what else is on your junior hitlist ?Maybe the Mouse should take a dive. I mean he's gotta be much older than Steve Tyler.

Or perhaps we should pension off every pre-pixar character because they don't fill our 50" plasmas with their dated format.Don't make me laugh by comparing the adolescent warblings of the Jonas brothers with any real band. No matter their age.If WDW's bosses are willing to sacrifice quality for topicality then they are sadly out of touch.If Aerosmith do decide to move on then someone of similar or greater stature should be courted to replace them.

It's the "Rock and Roller Coaster". 

Not the " insipid teenage flash-in -the-pan nobody " ride.From Anthony Murphy

Posted August 27, 2009 at 6:39 AMJonas Brothers, as a band, are ok, but ok for a small group of individuals. My thoughts of it doesn't matter if its Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montanta, Michell Musso, etc., its that they need to pick a group that would be universal and fit the bit of city theming which seems to me any of the older bands.Others I could see in RnRC (still like Aerosmith the best):No Doubt

Green Day

Black Eyed Peas

From sarah g

Posted August 27, 2009 at 7:06 AMThe sheer comparison of aerosmith to any disney created "musical" act is asinine. Do any of us think disney is that stupid?

The point was made that a thrill ride like this isn't aimed towards children anyways- very, very valid. 

One thing is for sure, the wait times will go down. You won't find me waiting 60 minutes for the jonas brothers express. 

Is this even confirmed by anyone? My husband is a cast member and laughed out loud when I mentioned this. Not only because its ridiculous, but because the minimum wage making slaves the to mouse are among the last to find out what the upper imagineers have up their sleeves. From Rob P

Posted August 27, 2009 at 7:55 AMThat's a good point Sarah. Why is it that the people at the sharp end are always kept out of the loop ?

From Ryan Sanford

Posted August 27, 2009 at 8:47 AMRaul, you made me laugh. leave aerosmith. jonas bros. and hannah montana would be lame..From Michelle Pilling

Posted August 28, 2009 at 12:52 PMwhy are they considering doing that? i love rock and roller coaster, the one in orlando is differant from disneyland paris.

it would be a shame.

From Sylvain Comeau

Posted August 28, 2009 at 7:38 PMI heard this rumor a while back. I certainly hope it's false. That would really be a moronic move.From Anthony Murphy

Posted August 28, 2009 at 8:42 PMI think Aerosmith's contract for the ride is up. Will they sign on again, or not, or will Disney not want to.Also, Hanes has a sponsorship of the ride so maybe they can call some shots there.Tweet

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