"The Capital Supply Channel in Peer Effects: The Case of SEOs" (with Matthew T. Billett and Yi Jiang), Journal of Banking and Finance, April 2023, v.149, 106807. paper
"Predicting Success in Entrepreneurial Finance Research" (with Emmanuel Yimfor), Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming. paper
"At-The-Market (ATM) Offerings" (with Matthew T. Billett and Ioannis V. Floros), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, June 2019, v. 54, pp. 1263-1283. paper
"The Effect of Asymmetric Information on Product Market Outcomes" (with Matthew T. Billett and Miaomiao Yu), Journal of Financial Economics, February 2017, v. 123, pp. 357-376. paper
"Financing Major Investments: Information about Capital Structure Decisions" (with Ralf Elsas and Mark J. Flannery), Review of Finance, July 2014, v. 18, no. 4, pp. 1341-1386. paper
"The Influence of Governance on Investment: Evidence From a Hazard Model" (with Matthew T. Billett and Yi Jiang), Journal of Financial Economics, December 2011, v. 102, no. 3, pp. 643-670. paper
"The Role of Risk Management in Mergers and Merger Waves" (with Kristine Watson Hankins), Journal of Financial Economics, September 2011, v.101, no.3, pp.515-532. paper
"Frequent Issuers' Influence on Long-run Post-Issuance Returns" (with Matthew T. Billett and Mark J. Flannery), Journal of Financial Economics, February 2011, v.99, no.2, pp. 349-364. paper
"Measuring Investors' Opinion Divergence", Journal of Accounting Research, December 2009, v. 47, no. 5, pp. 1317-1348. paper
"Information, Incentive Alignment and Company-Loan Financing of Insider Trades" (with Kathleen Kahle and Kuldeep Shastri), Financial Management, Winter 2007, v. 36, no. 4, pp. 67-87. paper
"Are Bank Loans Special? Evidence on the Post-Announcement Performance of Bank Borrowers" (with Matthew T. Billett and Mark J. Flannery), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, December, 2006, pp.733-751 (lead article). paper
"Volume, Opinion Divergence and Returns: A Study of Post - Earnings Announcement Drift" (with Jonathan Sokobin), Journal of Accounting Research, March 2006, vol. 44, issue 1, pp. 85-112. paper
"Financial Flexibility and the Cost of External Finance for U.S. Bank Holding Companies" (with Matthew T. Billett), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, October, 2004, pp. 827-852 (lead article). paper
"Market Structure and Trader Anonymity: An Analysis of Insider Trading" (with M. Nimalendran), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, September,2003, pp. 591-610. paper
"The Cost of Market versus Regulatory Discipline in Banking," (with Matthew T. Billett and Edward S. O'Neal), Journal of Financial Economics, June, 1998, pp.333-358. paper
"New Evidence on the Effects of Federal Regulations on Insider Trading: The Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act (ITSFEA)", Journal of Corporate Finance, April, 1997, pp.89-111 (lead article). paper
"The Effect of Lender Identity on a Borrowing Firm's Equity Return," (with Matthew T. Billett and Mark J. Flannery), The Journal of Finance, June, 1995, pp.699-718. paper
"IPO Underpricing, Insider Selling and Subsequent Equity Offerings: Is Underpricing a Signal of Quality?," Financial Management, Spring, 1993, pp.74-83. paper