2024 Bergen-Lund-Trondheim workshop on dispersive and water waves equations

The 2024 Bergen-Lund-Trondheim workshop on dispersive and water waves equations is a two-day workshop organized by the research groups of the universities of Bergen, Lund and Trondheim. The aim of the seminar is to gather the three research groups and discuss on various topics related to dispersive equations and to water waves equations.

This workshop is funded by the TMF-project Nonlinear Dispersive Equations

Organizers : Mats Ehrnström (NTNU), Didier Pilod (UiB) and Erik Wahlén (LU)


Gabriele Brüll     Lund

Andreia Chapouto    Edinburgh

Mats Ehrnström    Trondheim

Arnaud Eychenne    Bergen

Justin Forlano    Edinburgh

Jonas Jansen    Lund

Wei Lian    Lund

Johanna Marstrander   Trondheim

Dag Nilsson    Lund

Douglas Svensson Seth    Trondheim

Kristoffer Varholm   Trondheim

Swati Yadav    Trondheim