3D Printing

I started messing around with 3D Printing many years ago, when your only options were buying kits to build your own printer.
This meant it took way more tinkering and patience than the new out of the box printers available today.
I started out with a Prusa i3v 10" which was fun to mess with but frustrating at times with so so print quality.
I then upgraded to a Creality CR10s Pro v2 which was a much better experience but still required time to dail in the settings and get decent prints from.
Recently I upgraded again to a Bambu Labs A1. and all I can say is WOW.
The out of the box experience it light years ahead of previous printers, with much less setup and tinkering involved to get good prints.
The prints are MUCH faster also while still having better print quality.

You can see a variety of items I have printed over the years in my 3D Printing Gallery.

Latest 3D Printed Projects

Robocop ED-209
One of my favorite robots, this was my second large multi part print with my Bambu Labs A1.

Dummy 13 Figure (250%)
If you are in the 3D Printing world you have probably heard of the Dummy 13 figures.
I printed one at 250% and replaced the head with an LED lamp.