How to Maintain Scholarship

Once accepted, one must:

  1. Must take at least 12 credits/units per semester/quarter or whatever is required at the university to qualify as a full time student.

  2. Must maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA

  3. Must maintain an A, B, or C grade in each class

  4. Must provide a student ID #

  5. Must provide quarterly updates by email about goals, grades, and how student is doing

  6. Must provide an original copy of final report cards or transcripts – quarterly or semester

  7. Must send bill for tuition – prefer to receive directly from school. Must allow at least 30 days to process payment

  8. Each year stands on it’s own and thus this program may be cancelled at the end of any one year at the sole discretion of the Foundation

  9. The Foundation will only pay for up to four (4) years of tuition for any one student