
Welcome to the English live lesson page. The English team have developed two session for all year 10 to access. There is a session on Wednesday for Q+A plus a session on Friday to celebrate students achievements that week.

Remember all webcams must be turned off and your microphone muted unless you are asked to turn it on.

Q+A Wednesday

This is your chance to question your teachers about this week’s work and clarify what you have been asked to do. You can use both the messenger facility of teams and ask/answer questions using your microphone. This will be an excellent way of keeping in contact with your English teachers.

Feedback Friday

This will be a brilliant opportunity for you to gain some extra support with your learning and receive individual feedback on your efforts the week! You need to have your work available for this week and if you can send it to Miss Ashton (literature) or Miss Lamble (language) before the session then the team can give you feedback!

WC1st June

Q+A Wednesday – 3rd June – Miss Lamble and Miss Ashton

Linked materials are below

Feedback Friday – 5th June – Miss Lamble and Miss Ashton

Linked materials are below

WC8th June

Q+A Wednesday – 8th June – Miss Lamble and Miss Ashton

Linked materials are below

Feedback Friday – 10th June – Miss Lamble and Miss Ashton

Linked materials are below

WC 15th June

Q+A Wednesday – 17th June – Miss Lamble and Miss Ashton

Linked materials are below

Feedback Friday – 19th June – Miss Lamble and Miss Ashton

Linked materials are below

WC 22nd June

Q+A Wednesday – 24th June – Miss Lamble and Miss Ashton

Linked materials are below

Feedback Friday – 16th June – Miss Lamble and Miss Ashton

Linked materials are below