
Seckin Adali (2016-2018)

Jørgen Vold Rennemo (2018-2020)

Claudio Onorati (2018-2021)


Bjørn Skauli (2018-)

Bernt Ivar Utstøl Nødland Topics in toric geometry: Polar degrees, vector bundles and algebraic cycles (2016-2019)

Elisa Cazzador (2018-, co-advisor)

Simen Westbye Moe (2020-, co-advisor)

Ola Sande (2020-, co-advisor)

Martin Helsø Investigations into real determinantal quartic hypersurfaces (2017-2020, co-advisor)


Are Sjøwall Aamot. Oslo, 2022 --

Andreas Alberg. Oslo, 2022 --

Shadia Olivia Kløvnes, 2022 --

Simen Westbye Moe. Degenerations and stable rationality. Oslo, 2019--2020.

Søren Gammelgaard. Cubic hypersurfaces, their Fano schemes, and special subvarieties. Oslo, 2017--2018.

Bjørn Skauli. The Cone Conjecture for Some Calabi-Yau Varieties. Oslo, 2016--2017

Magnus Vodrup. The Geometry of the Space of Curves of Genus 2. Oslo, 2015--2016

Tom Oldfield. Hilbert Schemes of Points in Projective Varieties. Cambridge, 2014--2015.

Kristina Kubiliute. Surfaces in P^1 x P^1 x P^1 . Cambridge, 2014--2015.

Erik Paemurru. Surfaces in P^1 x P^1 x P^1 . Cambridge, 2014--2015.