[10] Ample warning may be drawn from the large infusion of thepassions of a persecutor, which mingled with the general display of theworst parts of our national character on the occasion of the Sepoyinsurrection. The ravings of fanatics or charlatans from the pulpit maybe unworthy of notice; but the heads of the Evangelical party haveannounced as their principle, for the government of Hindoos andMahomedans, that no schools be supported by public money in which theBible is not taught, and by necessary consequence that no publicemployment be given to any but real or pretended Christians. AnUnder-Secretary of State, in a speech delivered to his constituents onthe 12th of November, 1857, is reported to have said: "Toleration oftheir faith" (the faith of a hundred millions of British subjects), "thesuperstition which they called religion, by the British Government, hadhad the effect of retarding the ascendency of the British name, andpreventing the salutary growth of Christianity.... Toleration was thegreat corner-stone of the religious liberties of this country; but donot let them abuse that precious word toleration. As he understood it,it meant the complete liberty to all, freedom of worship, amongChristians, who worshipped upon the same foundation. It meanttoleration of all sects and denominations of Christians who believed inthe one mediation." I desire to call attention to the fact, that a manwho has been deemed fit to fill a high office in the government of thiscountry, under a liberal Ministry, maintains the doctrine that all whodo not believe in the divinity of Christ are beyond the pale oftoleration. Who, after this imbecile display, can indulge the illusionthat religious persecution has passed away, never to return?

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