Careers in electrical engineering technology offer stability and opportunities for growth. Electrical engineers and technicians often work in offices, labs, or manufacturing facilities. Their work touches various industries including government, telecommunications, research and development, engineering services, and manufacturing.

Electrical engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the study, design, and application of equipment, devices, and systems which use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It emerged as an identifiable occupation in the latter half of the 19th century after the commercialization of the electric telegraph, the telephone, and electrical power generation, distribution, and use.

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Electrical engineering is now divided into a wide range of different fields, including computer engineering, systems engineering, power engineering, telecommunications, radio-frequency engineering, signal processing, instrumentation, photovoltaic cells, electronics, and optics and photonics. Many of these disciplines overlap with other engineering branches, spanning a huge number of specializations including hardware engineering, power electronics, electromagnetics and waves, microwave engineering, nanotechnology, electrochemistry, renewable energies, mechatronics/control, and electrical materials science.[a]

During these years, the study of electricity was largely considered to be a subfield of physics since early electrical technology was considered electromechanical in nature. The Technische Universitt Darmstadt founded the world's first department of electrical engineering in 1882 and introduced the first-degree course in electrical engineering in 1883.[11] The first electrical engineering degree program in the United States was started at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the physics department under Professor Charles Cross, [12] though it was Cornell University to produce the world's first electrical engineering graduates in 1885.[13] The first course in electrical engineering was taught in 1883 in Cornell's Sibley College of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanic Arts.[14]

In about 1885 Cornell President Andrew Dickson White established the first Department of Electrical Engineering in the United States.[15] In the same year, University College London founded the first chair of electrical engineering in Great Britain.[16] Professor Mendell P. Weinbach at University of Missouri established the electrical engineering department in 1886.[17] Afterwards, universities and institutes of technology gradually started to offer electrical engineering programs to their students all over the world.

During the development of radio, many scientists and inventors contributed to radio technology and electronics. The mathematical work of James Clerk Maxwell during the 1850s had shown the relationship of different forms of electromagnetic radiation including the possibility of invisible airborne waves (later called "radio waves"). In his classic physics experiments of 1888, Heinrich Hertz proved Maxwell's theory by transmitting radio waves with a spark-gap transmitter, and detected them by using simple electrical devices. Other physicists experimented with these new waves and in the process developed devices for transmitting and detecting them. In 1895, Guglielmo Marconi began work on a way to adapt the known methods of transmitting and detecting these "Hertzian waves" into a purpose built commercial wireless telegraphic system. Early on, he sent wireless signals over a distance of one and a half miles. In December 1901, he sent wireless waves that were not affected by the curvature of the Earth. Marconi later transmitted the wireless signals across the Atlantic between Poldhu, Cornwall, and St. John's, Newfoundland, a distance of 2,100 miles (3,400 km).[22]

Electrical engineers typically possess an academic degree with a major in electrical engineering, electronics engineering, electrical engineering technology,[89] or electrical and electronic engineering.[90][91] The same fundamental principles are taught in all programs, though emphasis may vary according to title. The length of study for such a degree is usually four or five years and the completed degree may be designated as a Bachelor of Science in Electrical/Electronics Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Technology, or Bachelor of Applied Science, depending on the university. The bachelor's degree generally includes units covering physics, mathematics, computer science, project management, and a variety of topics in electrical engineering.[92] Initially such topics cover most, if not all, of the subdisciplines of electrical engineering. At some schools, the students can then choose to emphasize one or more subdisciplines towards the end of their courses of study.

Some electrical engineers choose to study for a postgraduate degree such as a Master of Engineering/Master of Science (MEng/MSc), a Master of Engineering Management, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering, an Engineering Doctorate (Eng.D.), or an Engineer's degree. The master's and engineer's degrees may consist of either research, coursework or a mixture of the two. The Doctor of Philosophy and Engineering Doctorate degrees consist of a significant research component and are often viewed as the entry point to academia. In the United Kingdom and some other European countries, Master of Engineering is often considered to be an undergraduate degree of slightly longer duration than the Bachelor of Engineering rather than a standalone postgraduate degree.[94]

Professional bodies of note for electrical engineers include the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). The IEEE claims to produce 30% of the world's literature in electrical engineering, has over 360,000 members worldwide and holds over 3,000 conferences annually.[99] The IET publishes 21 journals, has a worldwide membership of over 150,000, and claims to be the largest professional engineering society in Europe.[100][101] Obsolescence of technical skills is a serious concern for electrical engineers. Membership and participation in technical societies, regular reviews of periodicals in the field and a habit of continued learning are therefore essential to maintaining proficiency. An MIET(Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology) is recognised in Europe as an Electrical and computer (technology) engineer.[102]

A wide range of instrumentation is used by electrical engineers. For simple control circuits and alarms, a basic multimeter measuring voltage, current, and resistance may suffice. Where time-varying signals need to be studied, the oscilloscope is also an ubiquitous instrument. In RF engineering and high frequency telecommunications, spectrum analyzers and network analyzers are used. In some disciplines, safety can be a particular concern with instrumentation. For instance, medical electronics designers must take into account that much lower voltages than normal can be dangerous when electrodes are directly in contact with internal body fluids.[108] Power transmission engineering also has great safety concerns due to the high voltages used; although voltmeters may in principle be similar to their low voltage equivalents, safety and calibration issues make them very different.[109] Many disciplines of electrical engineering use tests specific to their discipline. Audio electronics engineers use audio test sets consisting of a signal generator and a meter, principally to measure level but also other parameters such as harmonic distortion and noise. Likewise, information technology have their own test sets, often specific to a particular data format, and the same is true of television broadcasting.

An electrical engineering student whose cumulative, upper-division or department grade point average falls below 2.0 or whose preprofessional grades do not meet department admission requirements will be placed on academic probation and be required to prepare a probation contract with an ECE academic advisor. If a student is not making normal academic progress, they will be placed on academic probation.

The baccalaureate program prepares students to embark upon professional careers in electrical and computer engineering or to begin graduate study. The department's educational objectives are consistent with the ABET general criteria for accrediting programs in engineering in the United States.

Electronic technology is the application of scientific understanding of electricity to do work and perform tasks. We think of electronic technology as the many electronic devices, known as electronics, used in our modern world, such as tablets, laptops, and phones, all with internal computers that run on electricity. However, electronic technology includes any machine that runs on electricity. This includes washing machines, lights, and toasters. Electronic technology uses a system of electrical circuits to achieve a goal. This system can be simple, like that of a light circuit, or can be very complex, like that of a computer. Regardless of the system's complexity, if it uses electricity, it is considered electronic technology.

Industrial and manufacturing technologies is the application of scientific principles to make the production of objects faster, safer, and more efficient. It is a large field that includes many other forms of technology, including electrical and mechanical technologies. In the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s and 1800s, this type of technology revolutionized how humans travel, eat, and live. The invention of engines enabled factories to build machines that mass-produced objects. Engines also enabled those products to be shipped like never before, and a huge variety of products were available to people all over the world. The advancement of industrial and manufacturing technologies also revolutionized war, making the production of weapons faster and cheaper. Through the 1940s, '50s, and '60s, manufacturing technologies brought the world fast food, paper plates, and cheap and affordable housing. 2351a5e196

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