Research Economist

Deutsche Bundesbank

I am a Research Economist in the Balance of Payments, Exchange Rates and Capital Markets Analysis Division at the Deutsche Bundesbank. Before that I was part of the Monetary Policy Outlook Division at the Bank of England. I obtained my PhD at the European University Institute in Florence under the supervision of Ramon Marimon and Edouard Challe. 

My research spans monetary policy, expectations in macroeconomics, and firm behaviour. I am particularly interested in understanding how monetary policy affects the real economy and how this response is shaped by deviations from rational expectations as well as firm level financial constraints.

Note: This is my personal webpage and the views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Bundesbank or the Eurosystem.



    • European University Institute, 2017 - 22
    • Stockholm School of Economics, 2015 - 17
    • Universität Witten Herdecke, 2011 - 15