Natural Horse Care Products

Top Reasons To Use Natural Horse Care Products

Within the racing world, our horses' wellness comes first. Johanne Equestrian recognizes the unique tie between horse and rider and is committed to providing natural horse care products that honor and improve this connection. Our products are precisely created to offer the greatest levels of care for your equine friends, utilizing nature's power to promote health, vigor, and enjoyment.

Why Use Natural Horse Care Products?

Horses flourish in surroundings as similar to their native habitat as feasible. Many traditional products contain synthetic chemicals and artificial additives, which can disturb this balance and undermine a horse's health. Our natural horse care solutions are designed with this in mind, utilizing only the best natural ingredients to promote your horse's well-being without sacrificing efficacy.

Our Product Range

Johanne Equestrian provides a broad assortment of horse trainer products designed to address all aspects of your horse's health:

Grooming Products: Our natural grooming products, which include shampoos and conditioners, are produced with gentle, plant-based ingredients that wash and nourish the hair and skin, leaving your horse looking and feeling great.

Supplements: We provide a wide range of natural supplements that promote digestive health, joint function, and overall vitality. These supplements are made from organic herbs and minerals to ensure your horse's proper nutrition.

Our topical treatments, which range from hoof care balms to wound care ointments, are infused with essential oils and natural extracts recognized for their healing characteristics, enabling quick recovery as well as long-term hoof and skin health.

Products for Trainers

Johanne Equestrian recognizes the importance of trainers in a horse's life and provides specialist items to help training and performance. Our natural liniments and muscle rubs reduce discomfort and improve recuperation, keeping horses in peak condition throughout their training schedule.

Commitment to quality and sustainability.

We are devoted to sustainability and ethical sourcing. Our components are carefully chosen for both their effectiveness and their environmental impact. By selecting Johanne Equestrian, you are supporting a company that appreciates environmental sustainability and seeks to reduce its carbon impact.


Johanne Equestrian's natural horse care products offer a comprehensive approach to equine health, combining the finest of nature with cutting-edge equine care techniques. Explore our selection today and see the impact that natural, high-quality goods can make in the lives of your horses. Trust Johanne Equestrian to be your partner in improving the health and happiness of your equine companions.