
My research interests lie at the intersection of International Relations, Peace Studies and Political Psychology. I am especially interested in the influence of international actors on the local dynamics of governments and civil society actors and how they develop collective action strategies amidst war to build reconciliation. I am particularly interested in Latin America and the Global South. Beyond that, I am interested in various topics, including gender and diverse populations inclusion, transitional justice, multiculturality, and research methods.

Research Profile at UCL

Publications and Work in Progress 

Articles in Revision 

Amaya-Panche, J. Can Foreign Aid Foster Reconciliation? Evidence of the European Union Aid in Colombia. Cooperation and Conflict.

Amaya-Panche; J. Pino, J.F..; Méndez, N. Religiosity, tolerance, and willingness to reconcile in post-conflict contexts: Evidence from Colombia. Journal of Conflict Resolution.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Oidor, C. A., Mendoza, C. U., Amaya-Panche, J., Velazco, A. I., Sáez, F. A., & Velásquez, D. A. B. (2019). Reconciliation and the territorial peacebuilding in Colombia: The case of the Nasa community. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals. (121), 91–112.

Pino, J. F., Amaya-Panche, J., & Diaz Aguirre, C. F. (2017). La teoría y la realidad del discurso de protección ambiental y las políticas extractivas en Bolivia. International Journal of Cooperation Development. 4(1). 137–155.

Amaya-Panche, J., & Langer, J. (2015). Truth Commissions as Learning Institutions to Deal with the Past: The Case of Kenya. In Economia & Sociedad. (9). 35-65.

Amaya-Panche, J., & Pino, J. F. (2015). Modelo de desarrollo y élites económicas en Bolivia: análisis de la concepción de desarrollo ancestral del presidente Evo Morales. Hallazgos. 12(24). 241-255.

Amaya-Panche, J. (2012). Violencia y no-violencia: la experiencia de paz de la ATCC. Revista Criterios. 5(1). 185–220.

Amaya-Panche, J. (2008). La relación entre guerra y política en Colombia: de La Violencia a las violencias. Economía & Desarrollo. 13–35.

Submitted Papers to Peer-Reviewed Journals

Amaya-Panche, J. Can Foreign Aid Foster Reconciliation? Evidence of the European Union Aid in Colombia. 

Pino, J.F.; Amaya-Panche; J.; Méndez, N; Casas, A. Religiosity, tolerance, and willingness to reconcile in post-conflict contexts: Evidence from Colombia. 

Papers to be submitted to Peer-Reviewed Journals

Amaya-Panche, J. Violent Repertoires, Legacies of Victim’s Mobilisation and Reconciliation: Evidence from Colombia. 

Amaya-Panche, J. Building Bridges: Foreign Aid Beneficiaries’ Satisfaction with Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches in Peacebuilding. 


Amaya-Panche, J., & Idrobo, J. (2018). Reconciliaciones y resistencias: Modelos mentales y aprendizajes colectivos en la construcción de paz territorial en Colombia. (1). USTA Editorial.

Martínez, H; Gutiérrez, P.; Ortiz, D; Dorussen, H.; Benedetti, V.; Bustos, A.; Contreras, L. Gaitán, A., García, A.; Amaya-Panche, J; Velasco, X. Fortalecimiento de la confianza y la inclusión socioeconómica. University of Essex. Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Book Chapters

Amaya-Panche, J., Gomis-Balestreri, M., & Cepeda, J. (2017). Debilidad institucional y violencia en el Triángulo del Norte: hacia una gobernanza interna crítica con apoyo internacional. . 413-446. In Nino, C.A., Castaneda A. (Eds.) Nociones sobre seguridad y paz en las Relaciones Internacionales contemporáneas. USTA Editorial.

Gomis-Balestreri, M., & Amaya-Panche, J. (2017). El síndrome del tirano silencioso: del Estado fantasma al autoritarismo extractivista local. Estudio de caso: el Meta, Puerto Gaitan. (1) 59-102. In Olate, J. (Ed.) Estados autoritarios latinoamericanos (Ayer, hoy y proyecciones) .

Policy Brief

Amaya-Panche, J. (2021). Implementing the Peace Agreement in Colombia. Challenges for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation. European Union. Institute for Security Studies.

Research Projects and Experience

University of Essex

Research Officer: Department of Government GCRF: Strengthening trust and socioeconomic inclusion in Colombia. 2020-present

Research Officer. School of Law GCRF: Legitimacy, accountability, victims' participation, and reparation in transitional justice settings - lessons from and for Colombia. 2021-2022

Research Officer: Women building peace in Colombia. 2019

University of Aarhus

Department of Political Science. PhD Research Visit. 2022

Global Survivors Fund

Conflict-Related Sexual Violence. Research and Methodology Leader. Global Reparations Study. 2021-2022.

Universidad Santo Tomas

Principal Investigator: Mental models of reconciliation and peacebuilding in Colombia. Phases I and II. 2016-2018    

Universidad San Buenaventura

Director of Research. Department of Political Science and International Relations. 

Co-Researcher: Get the Truth Out of the Truth Commissions. 2015-2016.

Co-Researcher: Monitoring and Protection System for Forced Displacement. 2013-2014.

European Union - Universidad del Rosario

Senior Researcher: Demobilisation, Disarmament and Reintegration of Ex-combatants and the European Union Interventions. 2005.

Bogota Office of the Major 

Junior Researcher. Transitions to Democracy in a Comparative Perspective, Lessons for Colombia. 2004.

Upcoming Research Project

Multilevel Networks and Peace Inclusivity after Intra-state Conflicts.