
Peer-reviewed publications 

Gustafsson, Johan, Holmberg, Johan (2023) "Permanent and transitory earnings dynamics and lifetime income inequality in Sweden", Labour Economics

Gustafsson, Johan (2023) "Public pension reform with ill-informed individuals", Economic Modelling

Gustafsson, Johan (2022) "Public pension policy and the equity-efficiency trade-off", The Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Working papers

Gustafsson, Johan (2024) "Favorable tax treatment of older workers in general equilibrium" [under review]

Gustafsson, Johan, Ma, Xiaofei, Vesterberg, Mattias, Maih, Junior (2024) "Macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy under an energy supply shock", Norges Bank Working paper nr. 3/2024 

Gustafsson, Johan, Sjögren, Tomas (2024) "Can Labor Market Imperfections Motivate the  Implementation of an Income-Based Pension System?" 

(Selected) work-in-progress

"Climate policy and gender inequality", with X. Ma, M. T. Benkhodja, and Junior Maih  

"Automation and pensions", with G. Lanot

"Microenterprise birth and survival over the business cycle"

Other writing (non peer-reviewed)

Gustafsson, Johan (2023) "Därför måste vi bli bättre på att prata om ojämlikhet" - Recension av Jesper Roine: Därför är ojämlikheten viktig - om rika, fattiga, och alla däremellan, Ekonomisk Debatt (Journal of the Swedish Economic Association) nr 8 2023. 


Journal of Human Resources, Applied Economics

Grants (>100 000 Euro)

2021 -  Wallander stipend (W21-0036) Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs stiftelse. 1,700,000 SEK. 

2021 - ”Economic policy, Social Insurance and Self-employment”. (P21-0179) Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs stiftelse. Together with Johan Holmberg, Gauthier Lanot (PI), and Thomas Aronsson. 2,400,000 SEK.

Visiting positions

2023, May - Visiting researcher at ESSCA School of Management in Lyon. 

Conferences, workshops, presentations 

2024 AERNA conference (accepted, will attend)

2024 EAERE conference (accepted for presentation)

2024 PET - Public economic theory conference 

2023 29th Ulvön conference

2023 ESSCA Lyon seminar 

2022 Swedish conference in economics 

2022 PET - Public economic theory conference

2022 T2M - Theories and methods in macroeconomics 

2022 RCEA conference on Recent Developments in Economics, Econometrics and Finance

2022 Seminar speaker at Luleå University of Technology

2021 EUFin conference: Current Practices and Future Challenges 

2021 Internal seminar USBE

2021 CESifo Area Conference on Public Economics

2020 National Tax Association Annual conference 

2020 Seminar speaker at the Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research at Umeå University

2020 Internal seminar USBE

2019 Paris Summer School (Macroeconomics)

2019 Internal seminar USBE

2017 Hav- och vattenmyndigheten, invited discussant on recreational fishing survey design