Previous work in physics


(with A. M. Kalashnikova, R. V. Pisarev, A. M. Balbashov, A. V. Kimel, A. Kirilyuk, and Th. Rasing)

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 164004 (2017)

Light propagation effects can strongly influence the excitation and the detection of laser- induced magnetization dynamics. We investigated experimentally and analytically the effects of crystallographic linear birefringence on the excitation and detection of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in the rare-earth orthoferrites (Sm0.5Pr0.5)FeO3 and (Sm0.55Tb0.45)FeO3, which possess weak and strong linear birefringence, respectively. Our finding is that the effect of linear birefringence on the result of a magneto-optical pump-probe experiment strongly depends on the mechanism of excitation. When magnetization dynamics, probed by means of the Faraday effect, is excited via a rapid, heat-induced phase transition, the measured rotation of the probe pulse polarization is strongly suppressed due to the birefringence. This contrasts with the situation for magnetization dynamics induced by the ultrafast inverse Faraday effect, where the corresponding probe polarization rotation values were larger in the orthoferrite with strong linear birefringence. We show that this striking difference results from an interplay between the polarization transformations experienced by pump and probe pulses in the birefringent medium.

(with I. Razdolski, A. M. Kalashnikova, R. V. Pisarev, A. M. Balbashov, A. Kirilyuk, Th. Rasing, and A. V. Kimel)

Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 157601 (2012)

Editors' Suggestion and featured in Physics

Time-resolved magneto-optical imaging of laser-excited rare-earth orthoferrite (SmPr)FeO3 demonstrates that a single 60 fs circularly polarized laser pulse is capable of creating a magnetic domain on a picosecond time scale with a magnetization direction determined by the helicity of light. Depending on the light intensity and sample temperature, pulses of the same helicity can create domains with opposite magnetizations. We argue that this phenomenon relies on a twofold effect of light which (i) instantaneously excites coherent low-amplitude spin precession and (ii) triggers a spin reorientation phase transition. The former dynamically breaks the equivalence between two otherwise degenerate states with opposite magnetizations in the high-temperature phase and thus controls the route of the phase transition.

(with I. Razdolski, A.V. Kimel, R. V. Pisarev, A. Kirilyuk, and Th. Rasing)

Phys. Rev. B 84, 104421 (2011)

Using 100-fs optical laser pulses, we have been able to excite and probe spin dynamics in the rare-earth orthoferrite ErFeO3. The investigation was performed in a broad temperature range with the focus on the vicinities of the compensation point Tcomp ≈ 47 K and the spin reorientation transition region in the interval 86 K ≲ T ≲ 99 K. Spin precession excited by the laser pulse was present in a large part of the investigated temperature range, but was especially strong near the spin reorientation region. In this region the laser pulse also caused an ultrafast spin reorientation. By changing the laser pulse fluence, we could vary both the reorientation amplitude and the reorientation speed. We show that the laser-induced spin dynamics in ErFeO3 is caused in part by heating and in part by the inverse Faraday effect. Comparing to the results of similar experiments in other rare-earth orthoferrites, we found the speed of the laser-induced spin reorientation to be significantly lower. We attribute this finding to the weaker electron-phonon coupling of the Er3+ 4f electrons with the lattice.

(with S. S. R. Oemrawsingh, X. Ma, A. Aiello, E. R. Eliel, G. W. ’t Hooft, and J. P. Woerdman)

Phys. Rev. A 73, 032339 (2006)

By analyzing entangled photon states in terms of high-dimensional spatial mode superpositions, it becomes feasible to expose high-dimensional entanglement, and even the nonlocality of twin photons. To this end, a proper analyzer should be designed that is capable of handling a large number of spatial modes, while still being convenient to use in an experiment. We compare two variants of a high-dimensional spatial mode analyzer on the basis of classical and quantum considerations. These analyzers have been tested in classical optical experiments.

(with Thijs Klaassen, Martin van Exter, and J. P. Woerdman)

Opt. lett. 30, 1959 (2005)

Small-angle scattering due to mirror surface roughness is shown to couple the optical modes and deform the transmission spectra in a frequency-degenerate optical cavity. A simple model based on a random scattering matrix clearly visualizes the mixing and avoided crossings between multiple transverse modes. These effects are visible only in the frequency-domain spectra; cavity ringdown experiments are unaffected by changes in the spatial coherence, as they probe just the intracavity photon lifetime.


"Vlindereffect in ultrasnelle magneten"

(with Andrey Kirilyuk, Theo Rasing, and Alexey Kimel)

NTvN 78, 430 (2012)

Faseovergangen behoren tot de alledaagse fysische verschijnselen, maar zijn nog niet tot in detail begrepen. Het is bijvoorbeeld allerminst duidelijk hoe een faseovergang die op een tijdschaal van picoseconden of minder plaatsvindt, zich voltrekt. Dat is jammer omdat zo’n ultrasnelle faseovergang nog wel eens belangrijke toepassingen zou kunnen vinden in bijvoorbeeld de manipulatie en opslag van data. In dit artikel laten we eerst zien hoe een laserpuls binnen enkele picoseconden een faseovergang veroorzaakt die de magnetisatie van een magneet 90° in een willekeurige richting laat draaien. Vervolgens demonstreren we hoe we de magnetisatie door middel van een ultrasnel vlindereffect ofwel linksom, ofwel rechtsom kunnen sturen.