Publications in refereed journals

Mergers and Market Power: Evidence from Rivals' Responses in European Markets, with F. Szücs, RAND Journal of Economics, 2022, 53 (4), 678-702.

Import Competition and Vertical Integration: Evidence from India, with D. Vencappa, Journal of Development Economics, 2022, 155, 102790.

The China Shock, Employment Protection, and European Jobs, with H. Aghelmaleki and R. Bachmann. Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 2022, 75 (5), 1269-1293.

Local Market Structure and Consumer Prices: Evidence from a Retail Merger, with D. Rickert and J. P. Schain, Journal of Industrial Economics,  2021, LXIX (3), 692-728. 

Labour Market Reform and Product Innovation, with M. Garcia-Vega and R. Kneller. Research Policy, 2021, 50 (5), 104213. 

Innovation, Institutional Ownership and Financial Constraints, with J.P. Schain, Empirical Economics, 2021, 61, 1689–1697 

M&As, Investment and Financing Constraints, with N. Wößner, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2020, 27 (1), 49-92.

How Mergers Affect Innovation: Theory and Evidence, with J. Haucap and A. Rasch, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2019, 63, 283-325.

Internally Reporting Risk in Financial Services: An Empirical Analysis, with C. Bryce, T. Chmura, C. Cheevers and R. Webb, Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, 156 (2), 493-512.

 Acquisitions, Markups, Efficiency and Product Quality: Evidence from India, with D. Vencappa, Journal of International Economics, 2018, 112, 70-87.

 Cross-border M&A and Innovative Activity of Acquiring and Target Firms, Journal of International Economics, 2016, 99, 1-15.

The Impact of Private Equity on Firms’ Patenting Activity, with K. Amess and M. Wright, European Economic Review, 2016, 86, 147-160.

Outside Directors on the Board and Innovative Firm Performance, with A. Buchwald and B. Balsmeier, Research Policy, 2014, 43 (10), 1800-1815.

Foreign Direct Investment, Heterogeneous Workers, and Employment Security, with R. Bachmann and D. Baumgarten, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2014, 47 (3), 720-757.

Private Equity, Investment and Financial Constraints: Firm-Level Evidence for France and the UK, with D. Engel, Small Business Economics, 2014, 43 (1), 197-212.

The Impact of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions on the Acquirers' R&D ‑  Firm-Level Evidence, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2013, 31 (4), 307–321.

The Effects of Cross-Border M&As on the Acquirers' Domestic Performance ‑ Firm-level Evidence, with M. Trax, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2011, 44 (3), 957-990.

The Impact of FDI through Mergers and Acquisitions on Innovation in Target Firms, with F. Reize, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2011, 29 (2), 155-167.

Do Financial Constraints Matter for Foreign Market Entry? A Firm-Level Examination, World Economy, 2011, 34 (1), 123-153.

The Impact of Product Market Competition on Employers' Training Investments, with K. Görlitz, De Economist, 2011, 159 (1), 1-23.