Working papers / R&R

"Detecting and Mitigating Algorithmic Bias  in Heterogeneous Treatment Effects: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Evidence"
with Jurrien Bakker, Dennis Bohle, Stefan Feuerriegel and Florian von Wangenheim
R&R at Management Science 

"Off-Policy Learning for Audience-Wide Content Promotions"
with Stefan Feuerriegel and Cristina Kadar
R&R at Management Science
(previously presented under other titles) 

"Auditing a Dutch Public Sector Risk Profiling Algorithm Using an Unsupervised Bias Detection Tool"
with Floris Holstege, Mackenzie Jorgensen, Kirtan Padh, Jurriaan Parie, Krsto Prorokovic, and Lukas Snoek
Submitted to ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT)

"EventChat: Implementation and user-centric evaluation of a large language model-driven conversational recommender system for exploring leisure events in an SME context"
with Hannes Kunstmann, Joseph Ollier, and Florian von Wangenheim
Under review at Decision Support Systems

Other publications

"7 ways to invest in better digital technology to fight pandemics"
with Stefan Feuerriegel
World Economic Forum (July 2021)


Reviewer for: ICML 2025, WoPA 2025, MLHC 2025, KDD 2024, CHIL 2023, ACIC 2023, MLHC 2022, CHIL 2022, AISTATS 2021, Journal of the Operational Research Society.

Conference organization, program committee, and panelist