Outside Interests

About Our Grandchildren

AARP: "If a daily fitness walk could be put in a pill, it would be one of the most popular prescriptions in the world" . Click to read the Healthy Living magazine of articles I have compiled.

My interests include playing basketball, long distance walking, flower gardening, reading, and dabbling with emerging instructional technologies. Playing music from the 60's and 70's accompanies much of what I do during leisure times as I reminisce of the great rock bands in that era. My wonderful wife and I have been married for more than 30 years and live in Southern Tier, New York. Our grown children and many grandchildren live in the Congo, France and in the western, eastern, and yes central United States - our family is truly global.

I love to walk long distances! Aside from the enjoyment of meeting people and being outdoors, walking has many health benefits, not all so obvious. I invite you to browse the slideshow of my August 30, 2009 walk from Millport to Watkins Glen and back through New York State's gorgeous Catharine Valley Trail.

I have chosen not to invest in a fitness tracker and instead use my iPhone's built-in accelerometer to record steps using the iOS Pacer app. Needless to say, the iPhone is in my pocket wherever I go. To the right is a 3+ years histogram: more than 10 million steps total, averaging 10,000 + steps per day. The dips are the winter months in the northeast. There are risks to sitting too much so the goal is to help balance the reduction in steps while working at a desk.

Graph of my steps from Aug 2014 - Nov 2017

As an amateur flower gardener, I have graduated from the black-thumbed to something more like greenish-brown. Through experimenting, mixing perennials with annuals, and years of patience my modest flower patches have grown and improved every year. Pictured to the right is our 5-year old granddaughter "helping" plant flowers while worrying about her friend "Buddy" the earthworm.

Flowering gardening with one of my grand daughters

I like to read but in today's fast-paced world of technology, growing family, and busy workplace, there is seemingly precious little time to devote reading a full-length novel. For the social networking conscious, Goodreads provides a network of avid readers with books to recommend and reviews to share. Barbara Kingsbury's Poisonwood Bible is one of my favorite books, which I recommend and often give as a gift. The novel narrates and engages the reader in the lives of a missionary family that moves to the Congo just before the country's independence in 1960. It is a moving journey for the women in the family who endure hardship and tragedy to carve their own paths after freeing themselves from the wrath of their fanatic husband-father preacher.

Americanah is an amazing book and in my opinion one of the most significant books on racism in America, written from Adichie's point of view as a Nigerian born author.

I did not want Ruth Ozeki's "A Tale for a Time Being" to end, just an incredible novel http://n.pr/1cEj9wB #japan #bullying #suicide #kamikaze

Book cover of The Poisonwood Bible
Cover of the book Americanah
Cover of the book A Tale for the Time Being

I have been a long standing member of the Park Church and am involved in a number of activities, including designing and updating the Church's web site.