Research Program 

Author: Lo, Chi Yan June 

Stage of Career: Assistant Professor


Overall Research Goal: With the escalating problem of sleep deprivation, a host of negative effects are becoming increasingly prevalent as a result of poor sleep.  June’s goal is to improve sleep health, along with this she is hoping to see improvements in cognitive performance, psychological health, and in general is hoping to see improvements of quality of life. 


This paper is the earliest I could find by the author. June investigates the effects of sleep loss on cognitive performance and circadian rhythms. This study was conducted in adults with a mean age of 27.6 years who were subject to a sleep deprivation protocol. The study examines how the interaction of partial and acute sleep deprivation and circadian phases affects cognition. The results indicate that sleep deprivation primarily affects attention and subjective sleepiness. June states that the results imply that the interaction between sleep debt and circadian rhythmicity is responsible for a person's performance during active phases. This article is in the realm of sufficient as it states that the presence of sleep deprivation leads to a decrease in cognitive ability. This is also an example of the upstream section of this research program, as they are speaking to the mechanism that initiates the symptoms.


This experiment is downstream relative to the first article. The study examines the effects that sleep restrictions have on adolescents. In order to reach a state of deprivation, subjects were allotted five hours in bed for seven days. The data collected was more qualitative than the first article, as the conclusions include parameters such as subjective sleepiness and increased emotionality. The study concludes that acute sleep deprivation impairs cognitive performance on many fronts; sleepiness was increased along with worsened emotional regulation. This article is also sufficient as it states that the adverse effects were a result of acute sleep deprivation. 


The last study for this program of research is even further downstream. This study aims to generalize and apply the data she collected towards a goal to help the population she studies. The study investigates the effect that delaying school times has on adolescents. One school district in Singapore participated in this experiment by delaying their start time by 45 minutes. The study results indicate that the extra time in bed is positively correlated with daytime alertness and better overall well-being. This is the only study I found by her to lean toward necessary, and this is because she states that when you push back start times, students will see positive results in their health.