One of the main takeaways from the retreat was the understanding of how powerful our thoughts are in terms of creating our lives. Our thoughts set off electrical currents in our brain, and the neurotransmitters that come from our thoughts create hormonal reactions in our bodies.

Dr. Joe Dispenza talks a lot about the idea of manifestation, and to be honest, I have mixed feelings about it. But the way he describes it and how our thoughts are so powerful and palpable that we could literally call in anything to us was just completely mind-blowing.

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Another takeaway was that meditation and pure intent have the ability to not only heal us and the people around us but to bring things to us. When we meditate with focused attention and pure intention, we bring our brain and our heart into coherence. Heart + brain coherence leads to deep resonance, clarity and peace.

This resonant energy can be used to heal yourself and others (we actually did that at the retreat), and it is amazing to see what can happen. Transformation and change truly happened for me and for a lot of people around me during the week. Personally, I went to the retreat with back pain, plantar fasciitis and honestly, some emotional issues that I had been holding onto for far too long. 

By the time I got on the plane to come home, I felt no physical pain and my emotional issues had dramatically receded.

The third energy center is related to our digestion and includes our digestive system and pancreas. When this energy center is balanced, we have a strong sense of identity, purpose, self-worth, and self-trust. However, when this energy center is imbalanced, it can show up emotionally in traits such as overthinking, perfectionism, always looking for external validation, not feeling a sense of self-worth or confidence, and always second-guessing yourself.

As someone with ADHD, I found this particularly interesting, as there is often an impairment or an imbalance in this third center, to the point that we are not able to digest information as quickly or as efficiently. We get overstimulated easily, and we struggle with boundaries around our time and energy.

The way we overcompensate for those porous boundaries is by overcommitting ourselves and people-pleasing. Balancing this energy center can help us process information more quickly and efficiently, and help us set boundaries around our time and energy.

Attending the Dr. Joe Dispenza meditation retreat was a profound experience for me. The meditations were intense, the lectures were packed with scientific evidence, and the takeaways were life-changing.

I highly recommend checking out his books and interviews on YouTube. But more importantly, I encourage you to be intentional with your thoughts, meditate with focused attention, and balance your energy centers. Good things will come to you.

After the super nice reaction on my video what happened doing Dr. Joe Dispenza breathing for 365 days, I also want to share what 1000 days of Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations have changed in me. During this period I meditated every day for 1 to 4 hours and amazing things happened during this period. Hereby my video with my experiences:

A little bit over 3 years ago I went to my first Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat and started with his meditations. I committed myself to do at least for one year every day a meditation to see what it can do and I am still doing them today. I came from a period with burnouts and depressions and it is so touching to see what all happened and to feel real joy and love for life again after such a dark period.

My general well-being is so much better and I feel incredible self-love and a deep inner peace at the moment, that I could not even have imagined some years ago. Even in very challenging moments I can feel these feelings. If you start doing the meditations from Dr. Joe Dispenza, you will have very beautiful moments, but also challenging things from the past will come up. When you dare to go through these, in my experience life gets more light and fulfilled.

When I started with his work we were still working with mind movies. Little movies that you make that show your future. It is beautiful to test the spiritual laws that you learn by truly manifesting things into your life. When I was manifesting abundance I out of a sudden sold my houseboat for instance. Another thing I attracted was a car, it was exactly the brand and price I had in my manifestations. Without going anywhere he just stood one day right in front of my old car with big sale signs. Every time you manifest something you get more trust that it works.

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Imagine what your dream self would look like. You ideal version of yourself. Healthy, Smiling, Happy? Radiating love and confidence? In love with life and up for anything? Limitless? Fearless? So now ask yourself:

Joe Dispenza is an author and speaker who wrote 3 books on the power of the mind to heal the body. 

At age 25, he experienced a severe accident when a SUV ran over him during a triathlon event. He was on his bike and ended up with 6 broken vertebrates, with a large volume of shattered segments going back towards his spinal cord.

You have to work for it. You will train your brain. Joe Dispenza uses a weird voice at times to emphasize some words and create a sort of resonance that will allow your brain to slow down his waves and put you in a more meditative / hypnotic state.

This meditation allows you to de-program some hard wired neurocircuits in your brain and re-program them with new ones. You can use this meditation to stop a bad habit, or simply change the way you perceive or react to certain things based on past experiences.

This is a long meditation that is perfect when you want extra guidance. Joe talks during the whole time, in a very soothing voice, inviting you to do a body scan where you visualize a warm, healing water rising up your body. During the second part of the meditation, you will reflect on the behaviors that you would like to change during your day.

Based on the first exercise in Becoming Supernatural, I wrote down about five different letters (like the Jace example) with lists of intentions/elevated emotions because I felt like wanted to get them out and down on paper. Should I leave the other letters until a later time and keep meditating in the first two intentions, or is it a good idea to try and condense it all into two letters/lists?

Thanks so much Julie for your time and effort in helping others understand these meditations? Would you be able to clarify The alchemist meditation for me? I get confused as to what to focus on during the meditation. Am I supposed to focus on connection and change or am I supposed to be sending out my own intention and drawing my future experience back to me? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you?

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I found out about Dr. Joe Dispenza and his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself from my life coach. Back in 2020, I brought the book with me to Cancun to read on vacation. While on the flight I looked over across the aisle and saw someone else reading the same book which I found to be an odd coincidence. Once we got out to the ride pickup area I saw a man holding a sign that said Dr. Joe Dispenza. I got so excited I had my picture taken with the sign. It literally felt like a sign from the universe that I was supposed to go to one of his retreats at some point.

Motivated to get my body back in a state of balance, I saw Dr. Joe Dispenza was having a week-long advanced retreat in Marco Island, FL in September of 2023. So at 10am on June 6th, I was on my computer registering the minute registration opened. This is a key tip if you want to go to one because they completely sell out within minutes. In fact, my friend was in the process of registering at the exact same time. By the time she completed the several questionnaires and tried to use Paypal to check out, which took a little extra time to get to the payment, the retreat was sold out. She got on the waitlist and was ultimately able to come with me!

I was both excited and a bit nervous to go to the retreat. Excited because I love to learn, and Dr. Joe (as we all call him) is a phenomenal lecturer. His passion and his ability to explain complex topics of quantum physics sprinkled in with some humor make him a pleasure to listen to. He is an incredible speaker as he lectured to us for 2-3 hour stretches not once looking at a notes or outlines it just poured out of him which is a testament to his knowledge, passion, and expertise on the subject.

The nerves came because the longest meditation I had done prior to this retreat was 1h in length. At the retreat, we did various lengths of meditations, the longest one, the pineal meditation, lasted 4 hours and started at 4am. I felt like this was really an opportunity to learn from someone I admire, and to push myself to grow.

The retreat was well organized and staffed. Dr. Joe keeps you busy as most days start around 6am and end about 8pm. Breakfast and lunch were provided buffet style each day and were delicious. It gives you an opportunity to meet like minded people and discuss your experience.

After standing meditating on the beach with the sea air blowing gently against you and the sun is rising and warming your back, we start walking as our new self. I left a version of me behind on that beach. The old version of me that I no longer wanted to be and the qualities that didn't serve me any longer. I stepped into my new self and walked with that energy, with that intention and with an open heart. 152ee80cbc

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