Jobs for Felons
These Companies
Hire Felons
Jobs for Felons - These Companies Hire Felons - 2025
January 2025
Check out this list of companies that actively hire individuals with felony convictions.
Felon Friendly Jobs
These Companies Hire Felons - Some find it difficult to find a job with a criminal record. There are jobs for felons. Felons get hired everyday. Those who know what to do, get jobs. Those who do not, get rejected, depressed and some even go back to things that got them into trouble in the first place.
There are jobs for felons. There are employers who are willing to offer opportunities to those that have criminal records. We have put together this useful information that may help them get hired and put their pasts behind them. It may take just doing something a little differently or finding a whole new method of finding jobs. Whatever it is, we hope that people can pick up things that can help them or someone they know.
Take a look at all of the videos, give us a like and subscribe to our Youtube channel so you will be notified when we do new videos and put out new information.
If you find this information useful, pass it on to someone you know who is also having a difficult time finding a job.
Please click the flashing button below. It will take you to a huge list of employers that offer second chance jobs for felons . There are many companies listed on that page who have pledged to have fair hiring practices when it comes to considering jobs for felons. Companies that have signed the pledge are vowing to make things more equal for felons looking for jobs by adopting "Ban-the-Box. This refers to removal of any questions that relate to an applicant's criminal record on employment applications. The removal of the "Have you ever been convicted...." question does not eliminate the background check, but it offers those who’ve been previously convicted of crimes a chance to be considered for jobs. They also agree to not to inquire about criminal records until the applicant is receiving serious consideration for employment. This will allow employers to meet the person behind the application. When this happens, they can focus on the person and their qualifications rather than something that has happened in the past.
Companies that signed the pledge committed to help make things more equal for people with criminal records have also eliminated the "Have you been convicted of a crime" question from applications. This helps ex-offenders and felons by letting more employers to meet qualified applicants before considering their legal status. Employers get a chance to judge the person, not the criminal record.
With a little hope, this will allow employers to focus on all of the positive things that applicants have going for them instead of criminal records.
The law prohibits most private employers from asking question relating to criminal history until after a job offer is made. Within their companies, they also pledge to offer equal opportunity for training and eligibility for these people for advancement. Good Luck!
While we do our absolute best to list companies that has offered employment to ex-offenders and felons, they will not guarantee employment to anyone. Every company listed on our website have their own employment policies and they have a responsibility to hire the person who best fits the needs of their individual operations.
Find Your New Job Here!
How Can Felons Get Jobs?
Employers are always looking for qualified people to fill available positions. Qualified people with criminal records are the greatest untapped source of labor in this country.
Ex-offenders and felons who know exactly what to do will get jobs and put their criminal pasts behind them. Those who do not will have to deal with rejection, frustration which may lead them back to the same things that landed them behind bars. Developing a plan of action. will greatly improve their ability to get hired that would include finding employers that offer second chance jobs.
There are second chance jobs
Felons can get jobs. Felons get hired everyday. There are many employers who are willing to offer employment opportunities to people with criminal records and will hire the best available applicant. Of course it depends on the nature of the applicants' conviction.
A person with a theft or fraud conviction probably will not get hired as a cashier or any type of job where there is anything of value at risk. A person with a drug conviction will have little chance at jobs in a pharmacy or hospital. Anyone with any type of sex offense cannot work anywhere near a school, park or anywhere where children gather. So the type of conviction will come into play when being considered for jobs
Felons get hired everyday in many different fields and by many companies across the country. Take a look at this partial list of felon friendly employers.
Major Companies Hire Felons
AAMCO Transmissions and Auto Care
Abbott Laboratories
Ace Hardware
Andersen Windows
Apple Inc.
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Best Buy
Best Foods
Black and Decker
Buffalo Wild Wings
Casio, Inc.
The Coca-Cola Company
Comfort Inn &Suites
ConAgra Foods
CVS Health
Darden Restaurants
Deer Park Spring Water Co.
Del Monte Foods
Dell Corporation
Dole Foods
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
DuPont Co.
Enterprise Rent a Car
Federal Express
Firestone Tire and Rubber
General Mills
Golden Corral
Goodwill Industries
Goodyear Dunlop Tires
The Hershey Company
Hilton Hotels
Home Depot
Jiffy Lube
Koch Industries
Kraft Foods
Longhorn Steakhouse
Marriott Hotels
Men’s Warehouse
Monro Muffler Brake & Service
Olive Garden
Perdue Farms
Phillip Morris
Raddison Hotels
Red Lobster
Residence Inn
Salvation Army
Seasons 52
Seven Up, Inc.
Sharkey Transportation, Inc.
Shell Oil
Target Stores
Trader Joe’s
Tyson Foods
Under Armor
U.S. Cellular
United Airlines
United Parcel Service
US Steel
Wyndham Hotels
Yard House
Zebra Technologies
Jobs for Felons
This is just a partial list of companies that offer felon friendly jobs. See the entire list of companies that hire felons here
Get a Copy of your Criminal Record
In most cases, some time in your job search, an employer is going to ask if you have a criminal record. Being able to answer this question in a complete way will make a big difference. In this computer age, employers can easily get a copy of your criminal history.
Leaving nothing out, you must be able to answer the question "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?" You must know what is in your record so you can answer honestly. To do this you must get a copy of your criminal history.
If you have a parole or probation officer, this should be a easy. Your P.O. should be able to get it for you.
If you are not on probation or parole, you should get the most complete background check possible. This the FBI background check.
You can request a copy of your national criminal history from the FBI, by submitting a request by following these steps:
1) A signed written request with a brief explanation of the reason you want it.
2) Each request must contain two sets of 10 rolled fingerprints and eight flat finger impressions. Fingerprints and impressions must be taken by a law enforcement agency.
3) An $18.00 fee by certified check or money order payable to the United States Treasury. This information is provided in compliance with the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Attn: FOI/PA Request
Record/Information Dissemination Section
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843
For more information, you may contact the FBI at 304-625-3878
Expungement may Help Felons get Jobs
It is important to know what is included in your criminal record. Your record may seriously ruin your chances to be employed or to get housing. In some cases certain charges and convictions can be officially and formally hidden from public view . This process is called “expungement.” In some cases, felony convictions can be formally downgraded by the court to misdemeanors making them less damaging.
Each state has its own statutes and requirements regarding expungement and every conviction is not eligible for this process. Expungement is a legal process and should not be attempted without qualified legal assistance. It is strongly suggested that a legal professional attempt this procedure. Contact your local legal aid office. You will find professionals in this field that can advise and even assist you in filing the necessary paperwork. You may qualify for free or nearly free assistance at your local legal aid office.
The Federal Bonding Program Helps Felons get Jobs
The federal government offers programs that can help felons in getting jobs. One of the most helpful is The Federal Bonding Program. Employers may be hesitant to hire people with criminal records, recovering alcohol or drug addicts and those with poor work history. A big concern that employers have is that people with criminal records are more likely to steal, commit fraud or be dishonest in other ways.
Some jobs require that employees be bonded. Some felons cannot be bonded. A bond is an insurance policy that protects employers against money or property loss due to employee dishonesty. There are felons with certain criminal convictions that private insurance companies will not bond. Felons with records of arrest, conviction or incarceration, and anyone who has ever been on probation or parole, are considered “high risk” job applicants.
“The Federal Bonding Program” is offered by the government through the Department of Labor. It was initiated to help high-risk, but otherwise qualified, job seekers who have promises of employment. The Federal Bonding Program provided insurance policies that protect employers from theft or other losses by high-risk employees. The program is designed to help ex-offenders and felons who are qualified for jobs but need a second chance.
These bonds are at no cost to both the applicant and the employer. Bonds can be issued for any job at any employer in the country. Any full or part-time employee paid wages (with Federal taxes automatically withheld) can be issued a bond, including persons employed by temporary agencies.
An applicant can be bonded the same day a promise of employment is made. On an interview you can say "I can be bonded." You can find more information about Federal Bonding Program at this site:
Get Identification
You will need certain documents to begin work. Employers will ask for these documents before you can be hired
Social Security Card - To obtain a copy of your Social Security card, contact your nearest Social Security Administration office. It is listed in your telephone directory or dial 1(800) 772-1213 for the location of the office nearest you.
Birth Certificate - To obtain a copy of your birth certificate, contact the vital statistics office in the city where you were born.
Valid Driver’s License - To obtain a copy of your driver’s license, contact your local motor vehicle agency. Your local motor vehicle agency may even offer “Identification Only” cards if you do not have a driver’s license.
Photo Identification - Many county agencies provide photo identification cards. If you have a parole or probation officer, he may know which local agencies issue photo identification.
Green Card or Visa (if applicable) - If you have the legal right to work in this country, obtain copies of your visa or alien registration card contact the office of Immigration and Naturalization. To find the office nearest you call toll free 1 (800) 375-5283.
Jobs for Felons
Personal References
Many applications ask for references. A reference is someone who is not related to you who would say something positive about your character or work performance. Former teachers, employers, religious leaders, and upstanding members of your community would be good references.
It is a good idea to ask before using anyone as a reference. You might say, “I am looking for work. Would you be a reference for me?” Be sure to get their name, address, telephone number and email address.
Contact Information
Mailing address - Use an address where you will be certain to receive your mail. If you do not have a permanent address, please make arrangement with someone who does who will hold your mail.
Email address - Many employers ask for resumes to be sent for consideration for jobs. Email is a great way to get resumes into the hands of people who make decisions.
when using email for job search purposes, be sure it is professional looking. A great practice is to use such as: looks a lot more professional than
Phone number: It's very important to have voicemail on your phone so that employers can leave a message if you are not available. You want to make sure that your voicemail message sounds professional and your name is included in the message. This way, employers know they have reached the correct number.
If you do not have a phone of your own, arrange to have someone take messages for you.
Get a Resume
A good resume will present your skills and experience in a professional way. A professional resume that highlights your qualifications and experience is a necessary tool for anyone looking for a job, especially a person with a criminal record. Having a professional looking resume can greatly increase your chances of getting interviews.
A well written resume should be a one page summary of your skills, experience, and training. There is more than one way build a resume. If you don’t know much about writing a resume, you should get help doing this from someone that has experience writing resumes.
A well written resume will contain the following elements:
Contact Information
Name (no nicknames)
Telephone number (or message number)
e-mail address (if you have one)
Briefly state what you hope to accomplish with the resume.
Work Experience
The standard procedure is to list your three most recent jobs, or the last ten years, whichever comes first. List them in order with your most recent job listed first. You will need the title of position, name of organization, location of work (town, state), dates of employment.
Describe your work responsibilities and specific skills used.
Education and Training
If you are a college graduate, list the name of the school, city, state, and degree earned.
Do not list high school if you are a college graduate. If you have a GED, list the name of the
school where it was earned. Include any classes taken or certifications.
References are only provided upon request
This is just a basic guide. Once again, you should get help to make a great resume because of its importance.
Get Professional Looking Clothes
The clothes you wear will let people you meet know you are a professional and is serious about finding a job. The right clothes will help you make a great impression and you will never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Do you have proper interview clothes? For men, a well fitted dark suit with a light colored shirt and a coordinated tie would be perfect for an interview . That may not be possible for someone newly released but I suggest that men at least wear dark dress pants, a light colored shirt and a nice tie. You should also have a pair of shoes that are nicely shined. No boots, or sneakers...ever!
Be sure to have a neat haircut. If you wear a beard, make sure it is neatly trimmed. If you don't, be sure to be clean shaven.
The perfect interview outfit for women would be a skirt or pant suit with a light colored blouse or a simple dress that is cut below the knee. It should not be too tight or form fitting. Wear a nice pair of shoes that are neat and clean. Always wear pantyhose that is close to your natural skin tone.
Hair should have natural color and be neatly done. Fingernails should be neat and trimmed with nice polish. If you wear make-up, it should should be natural looking. There should be no visible facial or tongue piercings. Wear one pair of earrings that should be no larger than a quarter. If you have visible tattoos, especially on the neck or face, should be covered by makeup if possible.
Proper interview clothing is essential. Many ex-offenders and felons may not have the money for new clothing. Thrift stores may be the perfect option to find nice interview clothing at very low prices.
Jobs for Felons
Make a Personal Data Sheet
The personal data sheet is a good way to organize the information needed to properly complete employment applications.
Make a sheet that has all of your information that is needed on applications. This will make it easier to complete applications when all of your information id handy. You personal data sheet should include:
Contact Information (name, address, email, telephone, etc.)
Education (name and location of school, degree or certification
Employment History - Begin with most recent job and work backwards. List each job separately with job title and beginning date and ending date. Name and location of employer, name of supervisor, job duties and reason for leaving. If you don't remember your job information, you can get a summary of your jobs from the Social Security Administration if you had taxes withheld.
Your personal data sheet should look like the one at the left. Keep this with you whenever you are job searching. You will never have to leave out important information on an application because you do not remember.
Practice and prepare for interviews
Interview success will depend on how well you prepare. Prepare well and you will have great interviews. Great interviews get jobs. Don't practice, don't prepare and your interviews will have poor results.
A successful interview will depend on how well you use both verbal and body language. You will find that the more you practice interviewing, the better you will get. Practice your body language in front of a mirror. Get feedback on your body language. Practice answering questions until they sound natural and convincing.
Get someone to help you by playing the part of the interviewer. Set up practice interviews that will allow you to practice your body language and answers to tough questions. If possible, video record your practice interviews so you can judge your responses to questions and your use of grammar and diction.
Felons can get Help Finding Jobs
Ex-offenders and felons can get free help with all of these things at your local One-stop Career Center. These centers provide a large number of resources that can help you get jobs. You can get help with:
Resume Writing
Interviewing Skills
Free use of computers, fax machines and telephones for job search use
List of jobs available in your area
Funding for training opportunities and possible funding
Job search assistance from trained employment counselors (some counselors have experience helping felons find jobs)
and other resources that can help you get a job.
you can find your nearest One-stop Career Center at:
Getting hired for people with criminal records is definitely not easy. Many ex-offenders and felons looking for an honest way to make money are tempted to try one of the many advertisements on the internet offering easy ways to make money online. Work-at-home opportunities are everywhere. These ads offer easy money working at home and they may look really good for someone who hasn't been able to land a job.
There are perfectly legitimate work-at-home opportunities available on the internet and there are some down right dirty scams that prey on innocent people trying to make money to survive.
Most Common Work at Home Scams
Assembly Work: It will cost money to purchase instructions and materials to assemble products for a company. After putting together the products, the company probably won't buy them because it doesn’t meet their standards or reasons.
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Require you to recruit new people to sell a company’s products or services. The pitch is, every time someone under you makes a sale, you get paid, so the more people you recruit, the more money you can potentially make......or not.
Stuffing Envelopes: This scam offers the opportunity to make big money stuffing envelopes. They even offer free supplies. If you apply, you may only wind up receiving offers for you to buy instructions on how to get rich quick posting ads similar to the one you answered.
Online Businesses: Scammers claim to show you how to start your own online business and start quickly making money. If you apply you’ll be asked to buy a useless guide to work-at-home jobs.
Processing Claims: The pitch is, you can make hundreds of dollars a week by processing claims for insurance companies.
Pay attention to red flags that should alert you to potential scam
The email address used looks like a private email rather than a business email using free email services like Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail.
Any request for a copy of your Social Security number, birth certificate, driver’s license or other identifying documents.
A request for you to send money.
You can get more information on avoiding online job scams from the Federal Trade Commission:
There are employers who are willing to hire qualified people even if they have criminal records.
Contact your parole/probation officer to find out if they know of anyone who have hired ex-offenders and felons in the past. You could also speak to people you already know to inquire about open jobs. You should also check out job boards and websites that lists employers who hire felons. Click the link below.
How to use the list of companies that hire felons. You can search for open jobs in your area or scroll down for a huge list of companies that hire felons. This is by far the best list on the internet. That's not bragging. We have taken a lot of time and effort to put this list together.
How to make the best use of this list. Where to get the best resources and information that will lead to a job and put you criminal record behind you .
Know what is in your criminal record. You must be honest when filling out applications. Get a well written resume if you don't know how to write one, find some to help you.
Get three references. Find three upstanding people in your community who will say something in your favor. Get professional interview clothing. You must look like a professional whenever you interview.
Find good leads for jobs. You can find job leads and other assistance at your local One-stop Career Center.
You can also find a huge list of companies that hire felons right here.
You can also search for open jobs in your immediate area and even have new jobs sent to your inbox on a daily basis.
There are government programs that are intended to help felons and ex-offenders to get jobs. One of the most important programs is The Federal Bonding Program. Often employers are reluctant to hire people that have criminal backgrounds, poor work history or recovering alcohol or substance addicts. Employers are may not want to hire these applicants because they feel their past issues make them more likely to steal, commit fraud or be dishonest in other ways.
The nature of felony convictions comes into play and even many felony friendly employers will consider them potential threats to their employees. For those with felony convictions on their records, getting ahead in life can seem like an impossibility. They can increase their chances by looking around locally and asking for help from programs that help felons to get jobs.
A bond is an insurance policy issued by an agency that protects an employer against money or property loss due to employee dishonesty. Certain convictions make many ex-felons ineligible for private bonding. The Federal Bonding Programs issue bonds .
Bonds are provided by the Department of Labor and issued for those who are unable to be obtain private bonds. The bonds are issued at no cost to the employer or the employee and may be an incentive to hire an applicant.
Criminal records become less of a concern to employers if they know that they are protected from loss of money or property due to theft. An applicant can be bonded the same day the job offer is made. You can get more information about the Federal Bonding Program here:
This video offers suggestions to ex-offenders and felons who need to find jobs quickly.
Many ex-offenders and felons are able to find careers as truck drivers. There are many trucking companies who are willing to offer employment opportunities to qualified people with criminal records.
This video outlines a page that offers a huge list of companies that hire ex-offenders and felons. This list is constantly updated for accuracy.
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