Will my Parents Believe I'll Graduate? Longitudinal Multicohort Analysis of Parental Expectations Based on Chilean Census Data (2002 – 2022). With Susana Claro, Macarena Santana and Katherine Strasser. Revise & Resubmit @ Journal of Educational Psychology.

Emerging Behaviors in School Choice: Parental and School Responses to Centralized Admissions in Chile. With Patricio Rodríguez, Alexis Villanueva, Leonel Huerta,  Juan Pablo Valenzuela and Lioubov Dombrovskaia. Submitted.

Targeted College Tuition Relief and Human Capital Development: Evidence from Indonesia. With Nadila Arabella. 2023 Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Conference. 

Progress Over Retention: Understanding Drivers of Credit Attainment in the First College Year in a Flagship Regional University in Chile. With Eduardo Santander. 2024 Association for Education Finance and Policy Annual Conference. 

Text Analytics of School Improvement Plans in Chile. 2023 Artificial Intelligence Research in Applied Linguistics Conference.

First-Time School Principalship in Chile: An Event History Analysis of Teacher Careers (2003-2023). 2023 Education Leadership and Data Analytics Summit.

Paving the Path: Effort, Expectations and College Access.

Post-Covid Lockdown School Reopening Schedules and Learning Loss Patterns.

Student Expectations and Academic Achievement: A Multilevel Approach.

A Typology of Parental Involvement: The Case of Chile. With Macarena Santana.