Selected Talks

TEDxperiments 2023 | Joaquin Navajas | TEDxRiodelaPlata

The 2023 TEDxRíodelaPlata experiment explored the effectiveness of a relaxation technique based on individuals' personal beliefs about the importance of scientific evidence.

TEDxperiments 2018 | Joaquin Navajas | TEDxRiodelaPlata

The TEDxRíodelaPlata 2018 experiment explored how we form opinions about the guilt of criminal suspects.

TEDxperiments 2017 | Joaquin Navajas | TEDxRiodelaPlata

The 2017 TEDxRíodelaPlata experiment explored the opinions we form of another person when discussing everyday life issues or topics involving moral principles.

Joaquín Navajas en el Coloquio IDEA

Collective construction in beta mode.

Clase magistral: Sabiduría de las masas con Joaquín Navajas

Physicist and neuroscientist Joaquín Navajas explains the concept of the wisdom of crowds.

¿Se puede cerrar la grieta? ¿Qué dice la ciencia sobre la polarización?

Interview with Joaquín Navajas, neuroscientist.