João Moura
Senior Researcher
The University of Edinburgh


I am a Senior Researcher at The University of Edinburgh and affiliated with The Alan Turing Institute. I am part of the Statistical Machine Learning and Motor Control (SLMC) group, advised by Prof. Sethu Vijayakumar.

I obtained a joint PhD (2021) and a MSc by Research (2016) in Robotics from The University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University, UK. Previously I had obtained a diploma (BSc + MSc, 2012) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal.

I am currently working for the Japanese MoonShot program - AI-driven Robot for Embrace and Care - and the Robotics and AI Collaboration - RAICo.

My research focus on trajectory optimisation (TO), model predictive control (MPC), learning from demonstration (LfD), and reinforcement learning (RL) for contact-rich and non-prehensile manipulation