I have been fortuned to start doing fieldwork during my undergraduate studies at the Universidade do Espírito Santo. Since then, the field component has become crucial part of my research. Below you will find pictures of some amazing creatures I have seen.

Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, Cariacica, Espírito Santo state, Brazil

The expeditions happened during my undergraduate studies at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. We had monthly visits to the reserve to sample five days in a row using multiple sampling methods for mammals, squamates, amphibians, and parasites. The expeditions were part of a grant of Drs. Leonora P. Costa and Yuri L. R. Leite to document the biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest. Check out the publication of the results.

Floresta Nacional do Rio Preto, Conceição da Barra, Espírito Santo state, Brazil

The expeditions happened during my master studies at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. We had two field seasons, in each of them we sampled the park for seven days in a row using multiple sampling methods for mammals, squamates, and amphibians. The expeditions were part of a grant of Drs. Leonora P. Costa and Yuri L. R. Leite to document the biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest.

Costa Bela, Municipality of Serra, Espírito Santo state, Brazil

The expeditions were part of the undergraduate honor thesis of two students I had opportunity to mentor. Check out the publication of the results.

Valença, Bahia state, Brazil

The expeditions were part of a project led by Dr. Ana Carnaval. I joined Dr. Pedro Rocha's team to survey vertebrates and invertebrates in Bahia.

Estação Ecológica Estadual Wenceslau Guimarães, Wenceslau Guimarães, Bahia state, Brazil

I was trilled to join Dr. Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues from Universidade de São Paulo and his team of amazing field researchers for this expedition to Bahia.

Moraes de Almeida, Municipality of Itaituba, Pará state, Brazil

This expedition happened as part of environmental consulting work led by Drs. Leandro O. Drummond e Henrique C. Costa. I was particularly excited because it was my first time doing fieldwork in the Amazon forest!

João F. R. Tonini

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