Syllabus for CS150A

CS 150A, Intro to SQL Databases & NoSQL CRN 53829

Summer 2022 Course Syllabus

Course Description

This course is a first course in the Structured Query Language (SQL), mySQL and NoSQL. You are expected to know how to use a computer for basic tasks including e-mail and browsing the world wide web, but no further background in computers is assumed. It is a course in the use of the mySQL database management system to create, update, and query database tables.


To be good at working with SQL takes time, doing as many exercises and problems as you can. Expectation of work outside of class runs about 3 hours per week and includes reading and working on programming assignments and other class work.

Getting help from and sharing ideas with each other is one of the best ways for you to learn, so when you have a question or problem, ask your classmates for help and then me, which I am happy to offer. If you are e-mailing me your question, please copy your entire SQL code and paste it into your message, or use an attachment. Also, please make sure to specify exactly what error messages or output your program is producing. There are tutors available in the ACRC in Batmale 301. They can help you with your homework, as well as your instructor, me, who loves to help.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:

1. Outcome 1: Write and implement SQL statements to create and modify database tables with complex relationships, constraints and views.

2. Outcome 2: Use all of the major components of the SQL language for accessing data to analyze business requirements, designing and implementing queries that satisfy those requirements.

3. Outcome 3: Write and implement code to retrieve data from NoSQL stores.

4. Outcome 4: Insert, update and delete data in the database using SQL.

5. Outcome 5: Compare the trade-offs between SQL and NoSQL.

Class Meetings

Materials will be online 24/7 for access. Optional class meetings will be offered via ConferZoom on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm and other dates/time will be determined at the beginning of the semester by students and teacher.

Instructor Contact

JoAnne Strickland

Email: Phone: (707) 260-5622

Office Hours: Fridays 10 am -12 pm, by request and online

The instructor will respond to all course email within 48 hours, exclusive of school holidays. For urgent questions/help, phoning or texting is welcome. Please keep to standard hours 8 am to 11 pm, every day of the week. I will be in classes on and off, so please leave a detailed message and I will return your message as soon as I can, no later than 24 hours.

Course Web Site

Students will use the Canvas Learning Management system [for accessing class materials, assignment instructions, submitting assignments, taking quizzes, viewing classmates' work, sharing resources, and viewing grades].


The class website is, then click on the MyRAM link, then the Log into Canvas link. When you log in there you will need a RAM ID to access the class. You can also access directly the Canvas classroom by going to

You should also email me,, and inform me of any issues you may be having with the Canvas classroom. You can also call me at 707 260-5622 for any reason as well. Please be assured I will return your call within 24 hours if I am not able to answer directly.

First thing is to check the Courses Link and then select your course. This will take you to the Home Page of the website. On the Syllabus, which you should read, you will find the required textbook (used as reference AND assignments) for the class.You will also see a Schedule which has due dates and other information. It is subject to change a little but for the most part it will remain consistent.


If you are unfamiliar with Canvas, inside our Canvas classroom I have put some resources for working with Canvas and some hints on being an online student.


(Note: The 2nd and 3rd editions vary slightly in terms of the number of exercises in some chapters) Be aware of what version you select and check with me if you see a discrepancy in your edition and the assignments required. We will work something out. I have provided a link to a PDF form of the textbook.

Murach's mySQL 2nd or 3rd Edition

by Joel Murach

19 chapters, 590 pages, 247 figures

Published February 2015

ISBN 978-1-890774-82-0

Required Software for Standalone mySQL

You will need the following software for this course.

· Oracle's mySQL Community Server

· mySQL Workbench

Instructions for installation of the above software are available in Appendix A of the textbook.

Important Dates

Day Class Begins: June 13, 2022, Monday Day Class Ends: July 24, 2022, Sunday Juneteenth Holiday – June 20, 2022, Monday Independence Day - July 4, 2022, Monday Last Day to Add – June 17, 2022, Monday Last Day to Drop with refund - June 15, 2022

Last Day to Drop without a W – June 17, 2022 Last Day to Drop with a 'W' symbol: July 13, 2022 Census Date – June 21, 2022

Final Exam Time Period: July 21-24, 2022

Dropping the Class

If you decide to discontinue this course, it is YOUR responsibility to officially drop it to avoid getting no refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%). Also, for several consecutive, unexplained absences, the instructor may drop a student.

Pass‐NoPass (P/NP)

You may take this class P/NP. You must decide before the deadline, and add the option online with RAM or file the P/NP form with Admissions and Records. With a grade of C or better, you will get P.

You must file for the P/NP option by the due date. Once you decide to go for P/NP, you cannot change back to a letter grade. If you are taking this course as part of a certificate program, you can probably still take the class P/NP. Check with a counselor to be sure.

Instructor Announcements and Q&A Forum

I will post regular announcements on the “Instructor Announcements” page in Canvas throughout the semester. Canvas notifies students according to their preferred Notification Preferences as soon as the instructor creates an Announcement. A “Q&A Forum” is also on Canvas to ask for assistance of your classmates or of me.


Students who fail to attend the first class (face-to-face courses) or do not log-in to an online class after the second week will be dropped from the class. If you intend to take the course, please take the Syllabus Quiz by the end of the first week. If you DO NOT take the quiz, you will be dropped at the Census date. It is strongly advised that if you need to miss more than one class/homework deadline in a row that you contact me to avoid being dropped from the class.

Attendance is posting to Discussions at least once and replying to classmates at least once in EACH discussion forum.

Late Policy

All assignments are due at 11:59 pm of the night of the due date listed. Submissions that are submitted after the last day of class will not be accepted without prior arrangement. Late work will not be graded unless the student sends the instructor an email with explanation for late work or requests an incomplete.

Methods of Evaluation

I look at the overall knowledge of each student before I assign final grades. I look at the homework assignments to see if the student can analyze a problem statement and use the appropriate statements to implement the requirements of the problem statement. There are normally several ways to solve a problem, so all solutions that work are acceptable, but as we learn, we shoot for optimization and simplicity with no redundancy in the code.


There will be online quizzes and a final exam. The quizzes may be taken anytime before the due date and the final exam is open during the entire week of finals. The material comes from the textbook, class lectures and supplemental materials. If any quiz or exam is missed, a zero will be recorded as the score. It is your responsibility to take the online tests and exam by the due date.

Grading Policy

Visit the “Grades” in Canvas to keep track of your grades. I grade at least once a week and post grades and comments on the online Canvas gradebook. I can tell if you have read the feedback, and will normally comment on missing elements once before I mark an assignment down. If you are missing elements, I will comment and ask for you to resubmit.

Grades will be assigned as follows:



xxx points or more



xxx to xxx points



xxx to xxx points



xxx to xxx points

F or FW



If taking Pass/No Pass you need at least 70% of the total class points and complete the final exam to pass the class.

An “F” grade indicates that a student attended, participated and completed the course but failed to master the course curriculum.

An “FW” grade indicates the student stopped attending a course after the “last day to withdraw” deadline and subsequently did not submit any work or participate in any exams. Please check with your counselor and financial aid advisor for possible implications of the FW grade on residency and financial aid status.

Standards of Conduct

Students who register in CCSF classes are required to abide by the CCSF Student Code of Conduct. Violation of the code is basis for referral to the Student Conduct Coordinator or dismissal from class or from the College. See the Office of Student Affairs and Wellness.

Collaborating on or copying of tests or homework in whole or in part will be considered an act of academic dishonesty and result in a grade of 0 for that test or assignment. I encourage students to share information and ideas, but not their work. See these links on Plagiarism:

Encourage Academic Integrity and Prevent Plagiarism

Citing Information Sources

Special Needs

If you need classroom or testing accommodations because of a disability, or have emergency medical information to share with me, or need special arrangements in case the building needs to be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office hours are online on request. Students seeking disability related accommodations are encouraged to also register with Disabled Students Programs and Services located in Room 323 of the Rosenberg Library (415) 452-5481. Please see the DSPS website for more information and alternate locations.

List of assignments

Note to students: the assignments listed below do not include all course content. To view all course content I its correct consecutive chronological order, go to Modules.

What now? You've finished reading the syllabus. Now go to the Modules section to the left and Introduce Yourself, review the Tentative Schedule and take the Syllabus Quiz. Please post any questions to the Q&A forum or email me. Let's have a super great semester in one tumultuous year!