
Meet the Foreverbox Crew!


One of the members of the Pink Flames. Commonly referred to by the crew as the "Hooded Kicker", because he can kick really hard. And he wears a hood.

Age: 15
Gender: Male

Doctor Bandages

The doctor of the Pink Flames. Got an injury? He can help. Also, he got an injury on his eyes, but he really doesn't like to talk about it.

Age: 19
Gender: Male


He's had this gear on his head since he was a kid, and they only like it because it flashes. Also, the rest of the team jokingly use him as a flashlight. He doesn't mind, though.

Age: 17
Gender: Male

Crystalite XPR-01M

A somewhat successful experiment created by Doctor Bandages. Made from the crystals of the Roxboia Caves. He just helps around the place, but can only talk in morse code.

Age: 4
Gender: None


A robot that was created by Triangularly as a test for future experiments. Was gifted to the Pink Flames because they thought "it would be helpful". All it does is sense nearby people.

Age: 1
Gender: None (Prefers he/him)


Elected leader of the Purple Stars. He doesn't really talk much, but he makes a good leader and whatnot. Maybe he could be President someday.

Age: 14
Gender: Male


Doesn't have an actual name, but it's just a sentient drum. Nobody knows how it came to be, but it likes to bust some tunes every now and then.

Age: 6
Gender: None

Da Drummer

Another sentient drum? What for?? Anyways, they're friends with Taiko. But I just want to know, who is creating these drums?

Age: 7
Gender: None


The creator of T.L.O.A.T and a member of the Purple Stars. Likes to make robots, apparently. Maybe his skills would be useful in the future?

Age: 18
Gender: Non-Binary (he/they)


The favored member of the Purple Stars. Simply serves as an alarm of some sorts, and has fun doing it. They're also the brother of Synthia.

Age: 13
Gender: Male

Piano Thing

Yet another sentient instrument, what else is new? Loves to jam with Crystalite XPR-03C. No further explanation needed.

Age: 8
Gender: None

Crystalite XPR-03C

Another experiment by Doctor Bandages for some reason. This one was more successful. He made it so that it plays a soothing tune when anybody is stressed.

Age: 3
Gender: None

Vivian "Vellia" Siren

The leader of the Aqua Terrors. When they shout, they sound like a violin, but painfully louder. So showing off that skill got him his nickname, I guess?

Age: 17
Gender: Male


A simple experiment by Vivian. He was inspired by Doctor Bandages and his creations, so he made this. It just plays a sawtooth sound, so that's something.

Age: 2
Gender: None


The fighter of the Aqua Terrors. Is dangerously powerful, as shown by the fact that they could disintegrate a watermelon in one punch. They're also the brother of Synthell. 

Age: 15
Gender: Male (Any pronouns)


Leader of the Blue Waves. Loves his duty as the leader, but refuses to take off his glasses, and we don't know why.

Age: 16
Gender: Male

Estrella Aurora

Loves outer space and anything related to it. Every night, she simply goes to her telescope, and looks at the shining stars in the night sky. And every time, she is astonished.

Age: 14
Gender: Female


A member of the Blue Waves who loves to sing. Also, they are apparently very good with cannons.

Age: 13
Gender: Male


A former demon of the underworld who was rejected for being "defective". He then joined the Blue Waves since he felt accepted.

Age: 231
Gender: Male (they/them)


A member of the Blue Waves who was previously a member of a bird tribe that recently fell apart a year ago. Likes to follow his traditions and such.

Age: 12
Gender: Male


Another one of Triangularly's creations. Based off of Alex because they're on good terms with each other, apparently.

Age: 3
Gender: None

Mind Drummer

I recently found out that they were the creator of the sentient instruments, and they do it for fun? I mean, okay.

Age: 19
Gender: Male


A clock that came to life for some reason. They're simply here to tell the time. Also speaks in morse code.

Age: 4
Gender: None


The cousin of Bassus and the leader of the Golden Gems. Kind of bossy, but at least the people take him seriously.

Age: 17
Gender: Male


How do I even start? This is literally just a floating head. What else do you want me to tell you?

Age: 6
Gender: None


An angel who simply helps around the Aurora Isles. I and Ulysses are best friends with him. We get along well.

Age: 77
Gender: Male


It's me! If you didn't know, I'm the one writing these docs and the leader of the Turquoise Celestials. I also own the Golden Gates of the Clouds.

Gender: Non-Binary (he/him)


A sentient bell. I still have no idea what's up with these sentient instruments.

Age: 3
Gender: None


Doesn't talk much, but they absolutely love the trumpet. However, they may or may not be sensitive.

Age: 13
Gender: Male


So, I don't know much about them, but he has the power to hypnotize people? I don't know why he'd need that ability, but we're friends anyways.

Age: 15
Gender: Male


I got inspired and actually made my own robot! I'm honestly proud of it.

Age: 2
Gender: None


This is literally a living egg.

I can't even.

Age: 12
Gender: Male


That's not his actual name, yet we don't know what it is. All we do know is that he has a robot mask that kind of looks like me. (...copycat.)

Age: 13
Gender: Male


A literal cat robot?? How fascinating! Anyways, they work as a technician for the Black Diamonds. So they are pretty good at technology.

Age: 16
Gender: Non-binary


Another one of Triangularly's experiments. They really must like to build robots, don't they?

Age: 1
Gender: None


Another former underworld member, apparently. We sort of just found him wandering around. He isn't dangerous, but he isn't safe either.

Age: 131
Gender: Male


Leader of the Black Diamonds. We've recently found out they were the one who created/founded this incredibly futuristic society.

Age: 19
Gender: Male


A member of the Cyan Diamonds. Apart from the fact that he just looks straight up GOOFY, he's great friends with Trumbi.

Age: 14
Gender: Male


He can be very loud sometimes. Surprisingly, louder than Vivian. At the moment, we don't know how this is possible.

Age: 21
Gender: Male


We don't know what this thing is. It's just here.

Age: 8
Gender: None


Just your average robot that can display shapes! I bet the kiddos are gonna have fun with this one.

Age: 7
Gender: None


The "Military Cyclops" of the Cyan Diamonds. I think it's obvious how he got that nickname. Also, he just likes puns. His name is literally a pun.

Age: 20
Gender: Male


Okay, I know this is supposed to be futuristic and all, but how many characters are just plain robots??

Age: 5
Gender: None


Simply serves as a portable piano, which is kind of why everyone on the Magenta Diamonds likes him.

Age: 13
Gender: Male


Usually timid, but they help newcomers and give them all the information they need about Prism City, which is the name of this place.

Age: 16
Gender: Male (Any pronouns)

Da Swag E

Some El Cool P wannabe. Who does blud think he is?? 💀😭

Age: 15
Gender: Male


A friend of Da Swag E. He likes to take walks every now and then, and beatboxing.

Age: 14
Gender: Male


Prism City's local stoplight and member of the White Diamonds. They're so loud, you can hear them from a mile away! Literally!

Age: 18
Gender: Female

Have suggestions or questions? Let me know!