
an official website

This is where I keep my stuff, more convenient than a septemvigintillinillion Google docs tied to each other. 

I swear I'm gonna make a flagship comic, but I have to make the story first. (2/100 ideas in stone, 5 ideas penned down) use that ⚠️ button below to give me ideas and speed up the process. you can also give me ideas via Twitter, YouTube, Discord, and Reddit

   Tisi            JNKabi       YouTube        Discord    OpentoAny     Reddit

Emoji-Based Abbreviated Names & Use of Groupers

dialog, name is obvious or unnecessary

/directory/name> computer dialog *

name: dialog


[text in-universe]

{to self}

<computer action> *

* if it is necessary to distinguish between a flesh-and-blood person and an electronic person


💘: (second pillar)

💖: JNKabi (first pillar)

💗: Tila Orlagin Kasan

💓: Tisi Oryigin


💕: the three pillars

❣️: Tiwu Oryigin


❤️‍🔥: (third pillar)

💝: Ripple (Tixi Oryigin)


🩷: Kirby (Kabi Kasan Orlagin)

❤️: (Tishi) Kaliang







🤍: Ti Origin (no Multi-Ocular O, rare)

ꙮ: Ti Origin





💌: ???

🌞: Harmony Star/Hartasia

🔌: the Hartasia Electrical Utility Authority

🚏: the Hartasia Transit & Transport Authority (HTA)

🚢: battleship

🛳️: cargo ship

⛴️: passenger ship/empty cargo ship

🛥️: station builder tug

rules to roleplay fighting

the Timeline (VERY LONG)


for 8 bit file usage add C0 to the start to each 6 bit section

01/00 e|09/08 c|17/10 g|25/18 m|33/20 (|41/28 #|49/30 }|57/38 4

02/01 a|10/09 l|18/11 h|26/19 q|34/21 )|42/29 $|50/31 "|58/39 5

03/02 r|11/0A w|19/12 j|27/1A .|35/22 /|43/2A %|51/32 <|59/3A 6

04/03 i|12/0B y|20/13 k|28/1B :|36/23 -|44/2B &|52/33 >|60/3B 7

05/04 o|13/0C u|21/14 z|29/1C '|37/24 =|45/2C *|53/34 0|61/3C 8

06/05 t|14/0D p|22/15 x|30/1D ,|38/25 [|46/2D _|54/35 1|62/3D 9

07/06 n|15/0E d|23/16 v|31/1E ?|39/26 ]|47/2E +|55/36 2|63/3E capNxt

08/07 s|16/0F f|24/17 b|32/1F !|40/27 @|48/2F {|56/37 3|64/3F lneBrk


1: make the length of each word (including punctuation, not including capNxt or lneBrk) as numbers as large as 63/3E, add

   64/3F to the end, and place it in the result

  {ignore the part before the first "," if only 1 word long}

  [text limit => 040564 / 03043F|text. => 64 / 3F]

2: replace characters with corresponding numbers as shown above, and

   place it in the result after the existing numbers

  [64 / 3F & text. => 640601220627 / 3F050015051A]

<ignore the following steps if you wish to not encrypt and decode

 the text>

3: square the whole resulting number*

  [640601220627 => 410369923868802330273129]

  [3F050015051A => F837623595500BDD65E06A4]

4: initialize the numbers for decoding (A for dec, B for hex)

   A: go through each pair of digits, if the number is too big (max: 63 initially and finally, 64 anywhere else), or if you feel like it, add

      a ~0 before the number, and jump forward only one digit

     [410369923868802330273129 =>

      41 03 ~06 ~09 ~09 23 ~08 ~06 ~08 ~08 02 33 02 ~07 31 29]

   B: convert the whole thing to binary, add "00" to the beginning

      of the number and between every group of 6 bits, and convert

      back to hex

     {if the amount of bits isn't originally a multiple of 6, add an

     amount of ~s to the end corresponding to the amount of pairs of

     bits needed to make it a multiple of 6, treat the ~s as "10"

     [F837623595500BDD65E06A4 =>

      00111110 00000011 00011101 00100010 00001101 00011001 00010101

      00010000 00000010 00111101 00110101 00100101 00111000 00000110

      00101001 0000~~ =>

      3E 03 1D 22 0D 19 15 10 02 3D 35 25 38 06 29 0A ~~]

5: replace all of the pairs of digits with their corresponding

   characters as shown above**

  [4103~06~09~0923~08~06~08~08023302~073129 =>

   # r ~t ~c ~c v ~s ~t ~s ~s a ( a ~n ? ']

  [3E031D220D191510023D35253806290A~~ =>

     I , / p q x g r 9 1 [ 4 n $ w ~~]

         i  l o v e  y o u  

        04 10052301 125013

       |  /       /     /




 e  s  v  4  ( ~n ~s  f ~n  !  y  '  0  "  d  m  5  ( ~n  9  1  1  m  e ~t ~c


*it is possible that the number starts with one or more 0s, if it does, ensure that the 0s are conserved between the two forms (see second example)

*hex and dec are not compatible in any way

**if you run into a 00 in dec which can’t be removed with ~, replace it with any of these four characters: `;\|


follow the first two steps in the “encoding”




06432945~07012913642721~06~0946~06~0834046002~09~07~084431~0710~0811~07~09~0657~07~08423361~09~0736~0807~071105193129] (example is DEC)

initialize for decrypting, this step is different between the two systems (A: DEC/B: HEX)

remove all the ~0s found in the number


remove all the 00s from the start of each byte and remove the ~s, if present

take the square root of the resulting number and ensure the result is a whole number, take care to preserve leading 0s


if not, it’s either in the wrong system or you messed up somewhere.

replace the pairs of digits with the letters, do not do so with or before the first 64




separate the result given the widths of each word



Hartasia is best.]


Notice Board

dates are in dd/mm/"yy

05/07/"24: roleplay fight rules added

01/07/"24: end of pride month, title text is back to white. what am I, a big company on social media?

24/06/"24: removed the Yeah! from the banner, the /yeah page is now blank, added to the EBAN&UoG sub-page

18/06/"24: my mouse decided it's had enough

14/06/"24: added a Yeah! to the banner.

11/06/"24: added important images tab in "constructed stuff", moved the nav bar to the side... then back to the top (I'm trying to get RID of it!!)

09/06/"24: fixed a dumb error between 09/04/"24 and 27/05/"24, added the three pillars to the EBAN&UoG, properly hid the extra alephs in the Timeline, made the feedback button more generic.

06/06/"24: the text was added to the social media (it's harder than you think)

03/06/"24: another year, another dyne

31/05/"24: added to the EBAN&UoG, and ?????? page added

27/05/"24: "Heartisan" has been changed to "Heartishan" to prevent confusion with the word artisan (shouldn't it be Hartishan, or is that too far removed?)

09/04/"24: list of those given start text added

31/03/"24: pretty small change, #FF00FF has been changed to #D525D6 in all future pictures and in this site's favicon (the little icon next to the site's name)

29/03/"24: added some text at the top so the quick description that some sites show isn't just "Emoji-centric identifiers". also removed the old version of this site.

08/03/"24: I figured out the "style" thing, and now things are different colors. also, mutual fictionality

01/03/"24: opening of the website

10/01/"24: connection to IntGeo

this is the start. it's at the bottom so the latest thing is at the top