Joelis Velez Diaz's

Pedagogy Portfolio

WPI Teacher Preparation Program - High School Chemistry

Hi! I'm Joelis Velez Diaz, a Chemistry Teacher from WPI. 

Abstract: My student teaching focused on the seven elements of the MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education’s (DESE) Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP). I also implemented Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies and empowering students by providing them the opportunity to draw upon  their personal Funds of Knowledge. I performed my student teaching at South High Community High School, in Worcester, Massachusetts. My program supervisor was Kathy Chen, and my mentor teacher was  Joseph O’Leary as  I taught high school chemistry grades 10-12th for a semester. During this experience, I built upon my educational practices by observing other teachers, adapted and improved  my lessons, incorporating the feedback from my program supervisor and my mentor. We were guided by the rubric of the CAP elements and culturally responsive teaching methods I applied such as having real world applications and problems, and connection to careers, benefitted the students' learning, given that it increased their participation, engagement, and motivation to learn chemistry. 

Work Samples


Research & Chromatography

Longer Version

RET 1 Modified

Lesson Plan 

Research & Chromatography 


Research & Chromatography 

Shorter Version

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