Jeff Hyde - Teaching

I love teaching physics and astronomy, from introductory courses for non-majors to upper-level courses in astrophysics, electromagnetism, and many other topics. A special area of emphasis in courses for physics majors is development of computational skills alongside other "traditional" forms of problem-solving. For non-majors, I emphasize connections with other fields of study and applications, as well as analysis of real-world data. All of my courses recognize that students learn best by doing, and are structured to provide lots of low-stakes opportunities to try out concepts and solve problems.

This page has some course materials as well as a chronological list of courses I've taught.

Course Materials

For a few courses I have posted materials that others may find useful.

Introductory Astronomy

Big Data in Astro

Mechanics / Advanced Mechanics

Courses Taught as Instructor of Record (* indicates new course developed)

2021-2022 (Moravian University)

PHYS 109 (fall) & 110 (spring) - Introductory Physics for Life Sciences (lecture + lab)

PHYS 331 (fall) & 332 (spring) - Classical Mechanics

2019-2021 (Bowdoin College)

PHYS 1510 - Introductory Astronomy (x4)

PHYS 2140 - Quantum Physics & Relativity

* PHYS/DCS 2310 - Big Data in Astronomy

PHYS 2510 - Astrophysics

PHYS 2970/2971 - Intermediate Independent Study

PHYS 3120 - Advanced Mechanics

PHYS 4050/4051 - Honors Project

2017-2019 (Goucher College)

* CPED 206 - Are alien planets like Earth? Using data to answer astronomical questions

PHY 101 - Introduction to the Physics Major (co-taught)

PHY 110 - Introduction to Astronomy (lecture + lab/observatory) (x2)

PHY 115 & 116 - Introductory Physics, non-calc based (lecture + lab) (x2)

PHY 220 - Modern Physics

PHY 231 - Intermediate Physics Lab (co-taught)

PHY 301 - Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory

PHY 330 - Topic: Relativity & Cosmology

PHY 395 - Independent Work

2016-2017 (Arizona State University)

PHY 112 - Introductory Physics, non-calc based (electromagnetism, optics, modern physics)

PHY 121 - Introductory Mechanics, calc-based

PHY 131 - Introductory Electricity & Magnetism, calc-based (x3)

PHY 132 - Introductory Electricity & Magnetism lab (instructor of record but classroom instruction by TAs)

* Physics GRE Prep (ten two-hour meetings, not a for-credit course)