
(2023-) Ramón y Cajal Researcher at the University of Murcia

The main objective of this 4th-year course is to train the student in the principles of operating systems and network administration. In a first block, basic aspects of the operation of physical interconnection equipment and hosts, advanced issues of packet filtering and address translation will be addressed. In a second block, we will work through virtualized environments in which a deployment based on the use of virtual machines, containers and orchestration tools will be performed.

The main objective of this 4th-year course is to provide advanced knowledge in the administration of Cloud services, Virtualization and DevOps. In particular, the course will focus on the following contents: 1) Deployment of Cloud services on proprietary infrastructure and Internet providers. 2) Automation and orchestration of operations on Cloud infrastructure using various technologies. 3) Deployment and automation of application virtualization using Docker and Kubernetes in the Cloud. 4) DevOps as a methodology and tools to facilitate its implementation in virtualization and Cloud environments. This is a fundamentally practical course where all classes will be oriented to the practical development of the theoretical content taught.

Past (-2022) Associate Professor at the Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM)

The main objectives of this 1st-year course are to provide insights of the fundamentals of computer organization and design. In particular, students are taught about central processing unit based on MIPS architecture and assembly language, memory hierarchy including different cache organizations, virtual memory, and the E/S subsystem, buses, interfaces and techniques to manage them. Using MARS simulator, students get hands-on experience working on lab assignments specifically designed to cover all these topics.

This 4th-year course presents the basic concepts that guarantee the software quality. In order to get such a goal, students will learn the concept of Quality of the Software, useful techniques and activities that assure that every product and process in the software engineering reaches a high level of quality, quality standards, metrics and methodologies to develop strategies that allow us to improve the software process and the quality of the final product. All these topics are applied in a practical framework that will allow the student to know the theoretical concepts and apply appropriate techniques to solve a case study. Using different IDE frameworks, testing tools, etc. students get hands-on experience working on lab assignments specifically designed to cover all these topics.

This 4th-year course offers new approaches to model knowledge-based systems. An specific methodology for knowledge representation is studied and applied. An eminently practical vision of the matter is powered. A partial modeling of a knowledge-based system is carried out. The course explores the foundations of the Semantic Web, Rule-based Systems and Ontologies are also utilized for knowledge representation. All these topics are covered by working on challenging lab assignments. 

This 2nd-year course bridges the gap between early programming courses, in which the most important aspect is the correct implementation of algorithms without considering the quality of the user interface, and the reality of the programming in the work environment  at companies where, aside the development of quality, correct functionality, etc., the visual aspect and user interface design really matter for the best user experience. Students get hands-on experience working with contemporary IDE tools building a Windows Form-based Project and different lab assignments that help consolidate the major concepts of visual programming.