Dr John Kingston

I am a Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security at a UK university. I have an extensive background in artificial intelligence and qualifications in law. The focus of my research is on projects requiring at least two of cyber security, artificial intelligence and law.

Links to my current research, teaching, current and past publications, and CV can be found above.

Contact me at j.kingston@ed.ac.uk.

Press Coverage

I've been mentioned in a few press articles in the past couple of years:

A brave new world: can robots be sued?, Axios (US news & information website), 24 June 2018

Wer trägt die Verantwortung für Killer-KI? (Who is responsible for Killer AI?), Technology Review Online, 20 March 2018

When an AI finally kills someone, who will be responsible? MIT Technology Review, 12 March 2018

When clever code kills, who pays and who does the time? A Brit expert explains to El Reg, The Register, 24 February 2018

Are you prepared for Gen Z?, University Business, 8 January 2018