
   Junior Kindergarten Class

 Our home page features updates about our weekly adventures in the JK class!

Happy Valentines and Winter Break week! I hope everyone had a great weekend and was able to attend the Dance-a-thon. Thank you to all who contributed and/or donated to that event. I believe our class raised a decent amount of money...even coming in second in the whole school! Way to go!!!! Everyone received an Ascension bag in their backpacks on Monday, from the event, and those who volunteered and or donated received some special prizes as well that were also sent home on Monday. 

With our snow day on Tuesday and winter break starting Thursday.... it was another short week. We celebrated Walkers Valentines Day birthday on Monday. We also did manage to review our AB and ABB patterns with Valentines erasers. We also learned the ABC pattern. We started rainbow writing our name (with the colors red and orange) and will continue that when we return. Mrs. Gatewood also did a scholastic magazine on Monday as well.

Our Valentines Party was on Wednesday.  I posted lots of pictures in the Shapes/Valentines folder. Big shout out to all the parents who contributed and rearranged their schedules to move our party to Wednesday. The kids had an absolute blast! They loved the snacks and the games! Keepie-uppie was a BIG hit and I was really proud of how well they kept themselves and each other safe while running around the classroom hitting balloons! They also enjoyed playing with the microphone on the karaoke machine! The room was so beautifully decorated that we decided to eat our lunch in there and enjoy the pretty decor. 

Conferences were this week and I really appreciated your flexibility in conducting most of the conferences over the phone. That can absolutely leave something to be desired so if anyone feels they would benefit from an in person meeting, please reach out to me and I can schedule one with you after winter break. As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any further questions and concerns you may have. 

We don't have school Thursday-Monday, we will return Tuesday, February 18th. We will begin our Arctic theme at that time. During our party, many of the kiddo's had extra valentines and they were so quick to give me and Mrs. Gatewood an extra while beaming 'Happy Valentines Day!' I have said it before and I will say it again, you all are raising thoughtful and considerate kids that never cease to amaze me with their big hearts and kindness. While I was playing keepie-uppie with the kids, Eva ran up to me and shouted, "I want to be a teacher!" I loved that she was moved to tell me that and I can't wait to see all the great things these kids will do as they grow!


2/13-17 - Winter Break NO SCHOOL!!!

3/14 - preschool closed for Professional Development Day

3/17-3/21 - Spring Book Fair

3/31-4/4 - SPRING BREAK!