Selected published papers:

Students/Post-docs/Staff from the laboratory are Underlined

Do A, Portet C, Goutagny R, Jackson (2024) The claustrum and synchronized brain states. Trends in Neuroscience

Zahacy R, Ma, YL, Winship IR, Jackson J, Chan A (under review) Claustrum modulation drives altered prefrontal cortex dynamics and connectivity. 

Faig C, G Kim, Do AD, Z Dworsky-Fried, Jackson J, Taylor AMW (2024) Claustrum projections to the anterior cingulate modulate nociceptive and pain-associated behavior. Current Biology (in press)

Marriott BA, Do AD, Portet C, Thellier, F., Goutagny, R., Jackson J (2024) Brain-state-dependent constraints on claustrocortical communication and function. Cell Reports 43(1) 

Shaker T, Dagpa G, Cattaud V, Marriott BA., Sultan M, Almokdad M, Jackson J (2024) A simple reliable method for claustrum localization across age in mice. Molecular Brain 17(1): 1:19.

Vu AP, Lam D, Denney C, Lee KV, Plemel JR, Jackson J (2023). Social isolation produces a sex and brain region specific alteration in microglia state. European Journal of Neuroscience  57 (9), 1481-1497.

Do AD, Jackson J (2022). Premotor activity in the claustrum. Neuron 110(3): 356-357

Erwin SR, Bristow BN, Sullivan KE, Kendrick RM, Marriott B, Wang L, Clements J, Lemire AL,  Jackson J Cembrowski MS (2021). Spatially patterned excitatory subtypes and projections of the claustrum. eLife.  

Smith JB, Lee AL, Jackson J (2020) The claustrum. Current Biology 30 (23): R1401:1406

Marriott BA, Do AD, Zahacy R, Jackson J (2021) Topographic gradients define the projection patterns of the claustrum core and shell in mice. Journal of Comparative Neurology. doi: 10.1002/cne.25043.

Jackson J, Smith JB, Lee AK (2020) The Anatomy and Physiology of Claustrum-Cortex Interactions. Annual Reviews in Neuroscience 43, 231-247 

Jackson J (2018) Attention: Noisy networks are tuned out by the claustrum. Current Biology 28 (17), R937-R939.  Comment on Atlan et al. 

 Jackson J, Karnani M, Zemelman B, Burdakov D, Lee A (2018) Inhibitory control of prefrontal cortex by the claustrum. Neuron 99 (5), 1029-1039 

Karnani MM, Jackson J (2018) Interneuron cooperativity in cortical circuits. The Neuroscientist

Ayzenshtat I, Karnani MM, Jackson J, Yuste R (2016). Cortical control of spatial resolution by VIP+ interneurons. Journal of Neuroscience 36: 11498-11509

Jackson J, Ayzenshtat I, Karnani MM, Yuste R (2016) VIP+ interneurons control cortical activity across brain states. Journal of Neurophysiology 115(6): 3008-17.  

Karnani, MM, Jackson J, Ayzenshtat I, Tucciarone J, Manoocheri K, Snider WG, Yuste R (2016) Cooperativity within interneuron populations in the mouse neocortex. Neuron, 90(1):86-100. DOI: 10.1016. See Comment by Crandel and Connors in Neuron. 2016 Apr 6;90

Karnani MM, Jackson J, Ayzenshtat I, Sichani AH, Manoocheri K, Kim J, Yuste R. 2016.  Opening Holes in the Blanket of Inhibition: Localized Lateral Disinhibition by VIP Interneurons. Journal of Neuroscience 36 (12) 3471-3480. See comment by Teresa Esch in the same issue and Cover illustration.

Bott JB, Muller MA, Jackson J, Aubert J, Cassel JC, Mathis C,  Goutagny R (2016) Spatial reference memory is associated with modulation of theta-gamma coupling in the dentate gyrus. Cerebral Cortex 26(9) 3744-53.

Carrio-Reid, LC, Miller JK, Hamm JP, Jackson J, Yuste R. (2015) Endogenous sequential cortical patterns with precise firing sequences evoked by visual stimuli. The Journal of Neuroscience 35:8813-28. 

Jackson J,  Amilhon B, Goutagny R, Bott JB, Manseau F, Kortleven C, Bressler SL, Williams S (2014). Reversal of theta rhythm flow through intact hippocampal circuits. Nature Neuroscience 17(10):1362-70. See Comment by Thuault (2014). Nature Neuroscience. 2014 Oct;17(10):129; 

Quirin S, Jackson J, Peterka DS, Yuste R (2014). Simultaneous Imaging of Neuron Activity using Volume Projection Imaging. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 3;8:29.

Goutagny R, Loureiro M, Jackson J, Chaumont J, Williams S, Isope P, Kelche C, Cassel JC, Lecourtier L (2013) Interactions between the lateral habenula and the hippocampus: implication for spatial memory processes. Neuropsychopharmacology 38(12):2418-26. PMID: 23736315 

Gu N*, Jackson J*, Goutagny R, Lowe G, Williams S (2013). NMDA receptor-dependent phase synchronization between septal and temporal CA3 hippocampal networks.  Journal of Neuroscience 33(19):8276-87. * equal contributions

Jackson J, Goutagny R, Williams S (2011) Fast and slow gamma oscillations are intrinsically and independently generated in the subiculum.  Journal of Neuroscience, 31:12104-17.PMID: 21865453. See Comment in Journal of Neuoscience: 31(34):i–i.

Goutagny R*, Jackson J*, Williams S (2009) Self-generated theta oscillations in the hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience 12(12) 1491-1493. *these authors contributed equally. Evaluated by Faculty of 1000.See Comment By Colgin and Moser: Nature Neuroscience: 2009 Dec;12(12):1483-4.

Jackson J, Bland BH, Antle MC (2009) Non-serotonergic projection neurons in the midbrain raphe nuclei contain the vesicular glutamate transporter VGLUT3  Synapse 63: 31-41. PMID: 18925658

Jackson J, Dickson CT, Bland BH (2008) Median raphe stimulation desynchronizes hippocampal theta oscillation via rapid inhibition and state dependent phase reset of theta related neural circuitry. Journal of Neurophysiology 99: 3009-3026. PMID: 18436639