Group Project

Group Project: Blockchain Chain of Custody

The Chain of Custody form is a critical element to a forensic investigation because examiners use it to record the history of the evidence from the time it is found until the case is closed or goes to court. By keeping this record, examiners can show that the integrity of the evidence has been preserved and not open to compromise. And in the unfortunate event that evidence does become contaminated, the chain of custody will clearly identify the responsible individual.

A Chain of Custody form keeps track of three pieces of important information (in addition to all the details that uniquely identify the specific piece of evidence):

As an example, please refer to this generic chain of custody for from NIST:

For this project, your group will write a program that will be a digital equivalent to a chain of custody form. Each entry in the form will be stored in a blockchain of your own creation.

Blockchain technology has been touted as a solution that will improve every aspect of digital communication. However, real-world results have been practically non-existent. Consider the following flow chart that explores some use cases where a blockchain may be a good idea:

Considering that blockchains aren’t suitable for very many use cases, this will largely be an academic exercise, but one that I hope will be illustrative of how important it is to use the right tool for the job.


Your blockchain chain of custody program must implement the following commands:

bchoc add -c case_id -i item_id [-i item_id ...]

bchoc checkout -i item_id

bchoc checkin -i item_id

bchoc log [-r] [-n num_entries] [-c case_id] [-i item_id]

bchoc remove -i item_id -y reason [-o owner]

bchoc init

bchoc verify

Where the parameters must conform to the following specifications:


Add a new evidence item to the blockchain and associate it with the given case identifier. For users’ convenience, more than one item_id may be given at a time, which will create a blockchain entry for each item without the need to enter the case_id multiple times. The state of a newly added item is CHECKEDIN. The given evidence ID must be unique (i.e., not already used in the blockchain) to be accepted.


Add a new checkout entry to the chain of custody for the given evidence item. Checkout actions may only be performed on evidence items that have already been added to the blockchain.


Add a new checkin entry to the chain of custody for the given evidence item. Checkin actions may only be performed on evidence items that have already been added to the blockchain.


Display the blockchain entries giving the oldest first (unless -r is given).


Prevents any further action from being taken on the evidence item specified. The specified item must have a state of CHECKEDIN for the action to succeed.


Sanity check. Only starts up and checks for the initial block.


Parse the blockchain and validate all entries.

-c case_id

Specifies the case identifier that the evidence is associated with. Must be a valid UUID. When used with log only blocks with the given case_id are returned.

-i item_id

Specifies the evidence item’s identifier. When used with log only blocks with the given item_id are returned. The item ID must be unique within the blockchain. This means you cannot re-add an evidence item once the remove action has been performed on it.

-r, --reverse

Reverses the order of the block entries to show the most recent entries first.

-n num_entries

When used with log, shows num_entries number of block entries.

-y reason, --why reason

 Reason for the removal of the evidence item. Must be one of: DISPOSED, DESTROYED, or RELEASED. If the reason given is RELEASED, -o must also be given.

-o owner

Information about the lawful owner to whom the evidence was released. At this time, text is free-form and does not have any requirements.

Every block in the blockchain will have the same structure:


*The length of the Previous Hash field is only 20 bytes, but due to byte alignment, the next field doesn’t start until offset 0x18, or byte 24 in decimal.

**Similarly, the State field is padded with an extra byte (for a total of 12 bytes or 96 bits), making the Data Length field’s offset 0x40, or byte 64 in decimal.

If you use Python to do the project, I recommend you use the struct format string "20s d 16s I 11s I" to pack and unpack the first 6 fields of the block, which will handle the byte alignment issue for you.

Finally, I’ve confirmed that no padding is being added to the end of the block, only to the two byte string fields.

The location of the blockchain file doesn’t matter while you are implementing and locally testing your program. However, when we grade your assignment, we will set the environment variable BCHOC_FILE_PATH to the path to the file your program should use.


Make sure that your program checks the BCHOC_FILE_PATH environment variable first before using any other path! Otherwise, your program will fail the grading test cases.

When the program starts it should check if there are any existing blocks and create a block with the following information if it doesn’t find any:

All block data must be stored in a binary format. Plain text, JSON, CSV, and other similar formats are invalid for this assignment.

All timestamps must be stored in UTC and account for the difference between local time and UTC.


For a Python library that helps deal with timestamps, check out Maya.


Just like in forensic investigations, your work on this project must be accompanied by a 5-page report, 12 point, 1.5 space, 1” margins. Include the following in the report:

I encourage you to include screenshot in your report, but know that they do not count toward your 5-page requirement, so they should be part of an appendix and referenced accordingly in the text.

The report  need to be submitted separately with the implementation using Gradescope.

We will open another submission for the report in the Gradescope (

Checkpoint (UPDATED)

To help make sure you are on track to complete the project on time, you are required to submit an initial version of your project by March 26 that includes the following functional elements:

You are not required to submit a report for the checkpoint. All other submission guidelines apply.


Below are some example input/output for your program. Lines beginning with $ are the input and everything else is the output from the given command.


There are MANY conditions that could put your program into an error state. Whenever this occurs, your program should exit with a non-zero exit status.

Using this convention will have a few benefits. First, it will force you to do the work of thinking through the various execution paths that could lead to an error state, which is an excellent exercise that will develop your software engineering skills. Second, it gives you the freedom of coming up with your own meaningful messages to the user, rather than me coming up with them for you. And third, it makes it simpler for us to grade your program because all we have to check in these cases is the exit code of your program to verify it is functioning correctly, while also decreasing potential string matching errors.

As the link above on exit status discusses, “The specific set of codes returned is unique to the program that sets it.” This means you get to define your own exit codes and what they mean. As long as you use the convention of zero indicating success and non-zero indicating failure (error), you can choose to use whatever codes values you like.

Initializing the blockchain:

$ bchoc init

Blockchain file not found. Created INITIAL block.

Checking the initialization:

$ bchoc init

Blockchain file found with INITIAL block.

Adding two new evidence items to a case:

$ bchoc add -c 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3 -i 987654321 -i 123456789

Case: 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3

Added item: 987654321


  Time of action: 2019-01-22T03:13:07.820445Z

Added item: 123456789


  Time of action: 2019-01-22T03:13:07.820445Z

Adding the same two evidence items, but one at a time (semantically equivalent to the above example):

$ bchoc add -c 65cc391d65684dcca3f186a2f04140f3 -i 987654321

Case: 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3

Added item: 987654321


  Time of action: 2019-01-22T03:14:09.750755Z

$ bchoc add -c 135312414559765810732748806252319031539 -i 123456789

Case: 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3

Added item: 123456789


  Time of action: 2019-01-22T03:14:15.248161Z

Checking out an evidence item:

$ bchoc checkout -i 987654321

Case: 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3

Checked out item: 987654321


  Time of action: 2019-01-22T03:22:04.220451Z

Attempting to check out an evidence item twice without checking it in:

$ bchoc checkout -i 987654321

Error: Cannot check out a checked out item. Must check it in first.

$ echo $?



The last two lines of the above example ask the shell to print the return code of the most recently run program, meaning the command returned an error code when it exited.

Checking in an evidence item:

$ bchoc checkin -i 987654321

Case: 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3

Checked in item: 987654321


  Time of action: 2019-01-22T03:24:25.729411Z

Looking at the last 2 entries in the log:

$ bchoc log -r -n 2 -i 987654321

Case: 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3

Item: 987654321


Time: 2019-01-22T03:24:25.729411Z

Case: 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3

Item: 987654321


Time: 2019-01-22T03:22:04.220451Z

Removing an item:

$ bchoc remove -i 987654321 -y RELEASED -o "John Doe, 123 Cherry Ln, Pleasant, AZ 84848, 480-XXX-4321"

Case: 65cc391d-6568-4dcc-a3f1-86a2f04140f3

Removed item: 987654321

  Status: RELEASED

  Owner info: John Doe, 123 Cherry Ln, Pleasant, AZ 84848, 480-XXX-4321

  Time of action: 2019-01-22T03:24:25.729411Z


Normally, you should be very careful about accepting user input that you later use and print to the screen. But for the purposes of this project, you don’t need to worry about sanitizing input.

Verifying the blockchain:

$ bchoc verify

Transactions in blockchain: 6

State of blockchain: CLEAN

Verifying the blockchain when it has errors:

$ bchoc verify

Transactions in blockchain: 6

State of blockchain: ERROR

Bad block: ca53b1f604b633a6bc3cf75325932596efc4717f

Parent block: NOT FOUND


$ bchoc verify

Transactions in blockchain: 6

State of blockchain: ERROR

Bad block: 9afcca9016f56e3d12f66958436f92f6a61f8465

Parent block: 99bcaaf29b1ff8dac2c529a8503d92e43921c335

Two blocks found with same parent.


$ bchoc verify

Transactions in blockchain: 6

State of blockchain: ERROR

Bad block: 99bcaaf29b1ff8dac2c529a8503d92e43921c335

Block contents do not match block checksum.


$ bchoc verify

Transactions in blockchain: 6

State of blockchain: ERROR

Bad block: e3f2b0427b57241225ba1ffc2b67fecd64d07613

Item checked out or checked in after removal from chain.


For testing purposes, you can assume that a blockchain will only have one error in it. If this weren’t the case, it would matter which direction you traverse the chain while validating, and I don’t want you to have to worry about that.


Your program must work on Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit with the default packages installed. You may find it helpful to set up a virtual machine to do your development. VirtualBox is a free and open-source VM system.

If you wish to use packages that are not installed on Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit by default, please submit a file with your code named packages, with a list of packages that you would like installed before calling make. Each line of packages must be a valid package name, one package per line. The submission system will automatically install all the dependencies that the package lists.

For example, if you were going to write your assignment in Haskell, you could install the GHC compiler with the following packages file:



Submission Instructions

You (only one man of the group) will need to submit the report and the source code, along with a Makefile and README. The Makefile must create your executable, called bchoc, when the command make is run. Your README file must be plain text and should contain your name, ASU ID, and a description of how your program works.

A prior TA compiled some resources on how to write a Makefile which might be helpful:

Submission Site

Create an account to submit your assignment for all parts on the course submission site: