

Dynamics on Homogeneous Spaces and Their Applications to Counting Problems

Problems in geometry of S-arithmetic numbers with viewpoint of homogeneous dynamics

Primitive lattice points, primitive Siegel transform, and its integral formulas on S-arithmetic spaces

Diophantine approximation in the view point of homogeneos dynamics and its S-arithmetic generalization

The moment formulas for the S-arithmetic primitive Siegel transform and their applications

Hyperbolic spaces over Q_p and Oppenheim conjecture

Moment formulas for the Siegel transform and Quantitative Khintchine-Groshev Theorem

On the moment formulas for the primitive Siegel transform

S-arithmetic Khintchine-Groshev theorem

The distribution of integral lattice points under a pair of a quadratic form and a linear form

Moment formulas for Siegel transforms and lattice-counting problems I/II

Higher moment formulas and limiting distribution of lattice points

Joint distribution of values of integral points under pairs of quadratic forms and linear forms

Equidistribution theorems and their application to Oppenheim conjecture-typed problems

Equidistribution theorems and their application to lattice-counting problems

Asymptotic behaviors of lattice counting function as dimension diverges

A quantitative Khintchine-Groshev theorem and S-arithmetic generalization

How homogeneous dynamics can be useful in problems in the geometry of numbers I & II

 The asymptotic distribution of the joint values of the integral lattice points for a system of a quadratic form and a linear form

     Higher moment formulas for Siegel transforms and applications to limit distributions of functions of counting lattice points

     Values of inhomogeneous forms at S-integral points

     Rogers' mean value theorem for S-arithmetic Siegel transform and applications to the geometry of numbers

Rogers' mean value theorem for S-arithmetic Siegel transform and applications to the geometry of numbers

On the distribution of S-integral lattice points under isotropic quadratic forms

A generic effective Oppenheim theorem for systems of forms

Homogeneous dynamics and application to the lattice counting problem

Rogers' second moment theorem for S-arithmetic Siegel transform

Second moment theorem for Siegel transform and its two applications

On the S-arithmetic quantitative Oppenheim conjecture for quadratic forms of low ranks

The quantitative Oppenheim conjecture for S-arithmetic quadratic forms of low ranks

The quantitative Oppenheim conjecture for S-arithmetic quadratic forms of low rank

Homogeneous Dynamics and the Equidistribution problem of S-integral points

Quantitative Oppenheim conjecture for generic S-arithmetic quadratic forms of rank 3 and 4

Homogeneous dynamics and counting problem

Distribution of the image of S-adic integral points under an isotropic quadratic form

Distribution of lattices under quadratic forms and generalization to S-arithmetic case

Distribution of the image of S-lattice under an isotropic irrational quadratic forms

Asymptotic distribution of values of isotropic quadratic forms at S-integral points