Jiwoong Jang

Welcome to my homepage! I'm a graduate student working in the department of mathematics of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My advisor is Prof. Hung Vinh Tran.

In Fall 2024, I will be a Novikov postdoctoral fellow at the University of Maryland-College Park. My postdoc mentor is Prof. Antoine Mellet.

My research interest lies in mean curvature flows in view of viscosity solutions, coagulation-fragmentation equations and Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Here are my CV and Research Statement.

I enjoy playing and learning tennis and table tennis. They are fun, and also they are great opportunities to get to know each other. For those who visit my homepage and play them, I look forward to seeing you and hanging out together!


Department of Mathematics

Madison, Wiconsin, 53706, US

Office: 101-#14, Van Vleck Hall

Email: jjang57 (at) wisc.edu