The scrum framework enables software teams to manage complex projects by creating a culture of collaboration. The Jira board is the tool that unites teams around a single goal and promotes iterative, incremental delivery.

If scrum is the framework that guides teams and their roles, events, artifacts, and rules, then the Jira board is the visual display of its progress during the development cycle. Much more than a task board, a Jira scrum board functions to:

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At the heart of the scrum framework is the sprint, a designated amount of time (typically two weeks) for teams to build a potentially releasable product increment. The Jira board is designed so teams can organize their work around the sprint timeframe.

Although Jira boards are ideal for highly technical teams who practice agile methodologies, teams of all types can take advantage of the key concepts of scrum and use the Jira board to facilitate smooth project management. Here are a few ideas.

In scrum, the backlog is owned by the product owner. A product backlog is a prioritized list of work for the development team that is derived from the roadmap. This can include features, defects, enhancements, and experiments that need to be done. Each item has a description, rank, size estimate, and value.

Scrum is one of the most popular frameworks for implementing agile. With scrum, the product is built in a series of fixed-length iterations called sprints that give teams a framework for shipping on a regular cadence.

Once you create and log in to an account in Jira Software, you can select a template from the library. Select Scrum (you can preview the free scrum template here, or you can learn how to create a Kanban project here).

Scrum is an agile project management framework that helps teams structure and manage their work through a set of values, principles, and practices. Much like a rugby team (where it gets its name) training for the big game, scrum encourages teams to learn through experiences, self-organize while working on a problem, and reflect on their wins and losses to continuously improve.

Scrum of scrums is a scaled agile technique that offers a way to connect multiple teams who need to work together to deliver complex solutions. Learn how to scale scrum with examples from Atlassian and others.

An effective scrum master deeply understands the work being done by the team and can help the team optimize their transparency and delivery flow. As the facilitator-in-chief, he/she schedules the needed resources (both human and logistical) for sprint planning, stand-up, sprint review, and the sprint retrospective.

The scrum team drives the plan for each sprint. They forecast how much work they believe they can complete over the iteration using their historical velocity as a guide. Keeping the iteration length fixed gives the development team important feedback on their estimation and delivery process, which in turn makes their forecasts increasingly accurate over time.

The scrum framework includes scrum practices, ceremonies, and meetings that scrum teams perform on a regular basis. The agile ceremonies are where we see the most variations for teams. For example, some teams find doing all of these ceremonies cumbersome and repetitive, while others use them as a necessary check-in. Our advice is to start out using all of the ceremonies for two sprints and see how it feels. You can then perform a quick retro and see where you might need to adjust.

Sprint planning: The work to be performed (scope) during the current sprint is planned during this meeting by the entire development team. This meeting is led by the scrum master and is where the team decides on the sprint goal. Specific user stories are then added to the sprint from the product backlog. These stories always align with the goal and are also agreed upon by the scrum team to be feasible to implement during the sprint.


 At the end of the planning meeting, every scrum member needs to be clear on what can be delivered in the sprint and how the increment can be delivered.

Courage for a scrum team is simply the bravery to question the status quo or anything that hampers its ability to succeed. Scrum team members should have the courage, and feel safe enough, to try new things. A scrum team should have the courage and feel safe to be transparent about roadblocks, project progress, delays, and so on.

At the heart of the workflow for scrum teams is the sprint, a focused and specified period of time where the team completes a set amount of work. The sprint provides structure but also focus to complete the planned amount of work.

Scrum is such a popular agile framework that scrum and agile are often misunderstood to be the same thing. But there are other frameworks, like kanban, which is a popular alternative. Some companies even choose to follow a hybrid model of scrum and kanban, which has acquired the name of "Scrumban" or "Kanplan," which is Kanban with a backlog. 


 Both scrum and kanban use visual methods such as the scrum board or kanban board to track the progress of work. Both emphasize efficiency and splitting complex tasks into smaller chunks of manageable work, but their approaches towards that goal are different.


 Scrum focuses on smaller, fixed-length iterations. Once the time period for a sprint is finalized, the stories or product backlog entries that can be implemented during this sprint cycle are then determined. In kanban, however, the number of tasks or the work in progress (WIP limit) to be implemented in the current cycle is fixed at first. The time taken to implement these features is then calculated backward.


 Kanban is not as structured as scrum. Other than the WIP limit, it is fairly open to interpretation. Scrum, however, has several categorical concepts enforced as part of its implementation such as sprint review, retrospective, daily scrum, etc. It also insists on cross-functionality, which is the ability of a scrum team to not depend on external members to achieve their goals. Putting together a cross-functional team is not straightforward. In that sense, kanban is easier to adapt whereas scrum can be considered as a fundamental shift in the thought process and functioning of a development team.

The scrum framework itself is simple. The rules, artifacts, events, and roles are easy to understand. Its semi-prescriptive approach actually helps remove the ambiguities in the development process, while giving sufficient space for companies to introduce their individual flavor to it.

However, scrum could take time to fully understand, especially if the development team is acclimatized to a typical waterfall model. The concepts of smaller iterations, daily scrum meetings, sprint reviews, and identifying a scrum master could be a challenging cultural shift for a new team.

Throughout the development cycle, the Jira scrum board helps drive iterative delivery and unifies the team around a single goal. As the single source of truth, the scrum board increases team communication and transparency. It improves sprint planning and optimizes the development process. Overall, increasing team focus and delivering clearer organization.

The missing scrum epics is a problem for us to, we plan our backlog in terms of epics, and then developers creates stories / tasks connected to it for each sprint. We need to put epics into sprints (drag / drop in the backlog) to visualize the future release plans we have, the on/off button from kanban board should be easy to add and give us the flexibility we need?

That said I was able to get an epic on the scrum board with a little trickery. I created a story, added it to a sprint and then changed the type to epic . I probably would not recommend this process as it is tedious and since it appears to violate Jira's paradigm, they could make a change that will break things in the future. And once I changed the issue type it no longer shows as part of the sprint in the backlog view. It still appears as part of the sprint in the scrum board view.

Currently my scrum projects have To Do as the backlog statuses. I cannot figure out how to adjust the Backlog status. I was able to add a status as well as make all new issues go to the status but not sure how to make them appear on the board since the status is not associated with a column.

Is there a way to extract the names of team members and which scrum board they are assigned to? These names are visible at the top of the board as filters, but I am wondering if there is a way to collect these names for all boards. Thanks!

Thanks for the comprehensive answer, Ryan. I'll bring these considerations to my technical teammates to see if we can do the db extract/join and how we can build a better infrastructure for tracking scrum team members. Thank you!

A scrum master friend of mine said that I should learn Jira and that there was a free course that also gives you a certification. Is anyone familiar on what he is referring to and might be able to point me in the right direction?

Do not spend loads of time documenting or looking for a solution to a given Process problem because most of the time the problems change faster than you would realize, it is just better to inspect and adapt provided you have at least the basic knowledge of scrum and you are using the Scrum framework and not just a few Scrum like practices.

The team agreement is that if you can't take up a task immediately, just jot it down as a subtask to the story. (Using the agile plugin, it is really easy). ie. we will never have systematically a subtask 'create unit test', but in some occassions, when someone is struggling to get that dynamock up and running, you will see this subtask popup in the story. Having it there allows the team to discuss it during the scrum.

Creates a new board. Board name, type and filter Id is required.  name - Must be less than 255 characters. type - Valid values: scrum, kanban filterId - Id of a filter that the user has permissions to view. Note, if the user does not have the 'Create shared objects' permission and tries to create a shared board, a private board will be created instead (remember that board sharing depends on the filter sharing).  Note:   If you want to create a new project with an associated board, use the JIRA platform REST API. For more information, see the Create project method. The projectTypeKey for software boards must be 'software' and the projectTemplateKey must be either com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-kanban-template or com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-scrum-template.   You can create a filter using the JIRA REST API. For more information, see the Create filter method.   If you do not ORDER BY the Rank field for the filter of your board, you will not be able to reorder issues on the board.   17dc91bb1f

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