Ji Zou's Homepage

Welcome to My Homepage!

"Don't try to fill the emptiness in your life because melody comes from that blank space deep inside." --- Rabindranath Tagore 

About Me

My name is Ji Zou (Chinese: 邹继). My hometown is Hunan, China. I am interested in the theoretical study of (quantum) magnetism, quantum information, and topological phenomena, working at the intersection of these fields.

I am currently a Georg H. Endress Postdoc Fellow, working with Professor Daniel Loss at the University of Basel in Switzerland from September 2022.  

My Journey

I completed my Ph.D. in the Department of Physics at UCLA in California with Professor Yaroslav Tserkovnyak. During this period, I was honored to be a CQSE Graduate Fellow. My PhD thesis is titled: "Aspects of Magnetism: Topology, Transport, and Quantum Entanglement.

Prior to that, I graduated from the Yan Jici Elite Talent Program at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) with a bachelor’s degree in physics.

Professional Contributions: Referee for journals, including Nature, Nature Communications, npj Spintronics, PRL, PRX, PRX Quantum, PRA, PRB, PR Research, PR Applied, etc.