Tong Jin 金彤
Office: Skiles 141
I am a fifth year PhD student in math at Georgia Tech. My advisor is Matt Baker.
I am interested in matroid theory and related areas.
New building blocks for F_1-geometry: bands and band schemes, with Matt Baker and Oliver Lorscheid, arXiv.
Orthogonal matroids over tracts, with Donggyu Kim, arXiv.
Representability of orthogonal matroids over partial fields, with Matt Baker, Algebr. Comb.6(2023), no.5, 1301–1311. Journal. arXiv.
On the structure of hyperfields obtained as quotients of fields, with Matt Baker, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.149(2021), no.1, 63–70. Journal. arXiv.
The number of pi's so far in math is 3892, presented at the pi Day Celebration in School of Math, Georgia Tech.
Commutative algebra lecture notes from a course taught by Justin Chen in Spring 2021.