Jingyuan Chen

Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

Massachusetts General Hospital

Harvard Medical School

jechen at mgh.harvard.edu


** I'm very excited to start my lab at MGH/HMS.  I'm now recruiting postdocs/graduate students/clinical research coordinators. Please reach out if you are interested!! **  Computational and Advanced NeuroImaging of brain DYnamics (CANDY) lab.

I am a biomedical engineer working at the interface of neuroimaging technology, signal processing and neuroscience. I  received my Ph.D. from the EE department of Stanford University. My thesis work, 'Temporal Characteristics of brain intrinsic activities based on fMRI' supervised by Dr. Gary Glover in Radiology, focused on (1) developing analytical tools to quantify and synthesize brain spontaneous functional dynamics; and (2) probing the biophysical limits of fMRI and the origin of emerging fast functional signals. 

After graduation, I joined the Martinos Center at MGH to work with Drs. Bruce Rosen and Jonathan Polimeni. The plethora of cutting-edge neuroimaging techniques at the Martinos Center have inspired several exciting directions that I'd like to pursue in my future career.  One line of my current research is to harness the cortical-depth-dependent information uncovered by high-resolution fMRI to improve the neuronal specificity and sensitivity of BOLD fMRI measures; and to exploit the depth-dependent patterns of resting-state brain functional architecture. A second line of my research, supported by the NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award,  focuses on integrating state-of-the-art fast PET technology and fMRI to probe the neuronal, vascular, energetic and neuromodulatory mechanisms underlying brain functional dynamics.  

In my spare time, I like traveling, calligraphy, and drawing cartoons (about medical imaging and my life). I started posting cartoons to the WeChat platform since graduate school [ID: Jinaffe长璟鹿]. Some recent ones can be found here: Jinaffe's cartoon website.