Jingyan Fu Lab

Research Interest

Centrosome is a highly conserved organelle that serves as the main microtubule-organizing center in most animal cells. Its core component, the centriole, also provides a template for cilium assembly, a major signaling center during vertebrate development. Centrosome amplification is a hallmark of cancer; moreover, mutations in centrosome proteins are found in a wide range of human genetic diseases including microcephaly and ciliopathies that affect kidney, eye, liver and brain. 

Our major goal is to assemble a dynamic 3D landscape of the centrosome pinpointing the spatial-temporal organization of its individual structural components in dividing and differentiating cells. We use both Drosophila and human cells as our model systems, and various super-resolution microscopy and biochemical approaches to paint the distribution and orientation of proteins and analyze the protein-protein interactions. We also study proteins that interact with centrosomes to promote specific functions during the cell cycle. Knowledge of where, when and how centrosomal proteins are pieced together provides us the clues to manipulate the centrosomal pathways and study how the defective centrosomes might compromise the cellular activities, developmental events and tissue homeostasis. This will illuminate our understanding on the molecular mechanism of the centrosome-related diseases.


Jingyan Fu, Ph.D. 


College of Biological Sciences

China Agricultural University

Beijing 100193


Tel (lab): +86-10-62734755

Tel (office): +86-10-62734756

E-mail: jingyanfu@cau.edu.cn

University website: http://cbs.cau.edu.cn/art/2018/9/14/art_31829_585934.html

Current Lab Members

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(*Corresponding author; #Co-first author)