Work in Progress

How Fairness Concerns Influence Online Two-sided Platforms’ Discriminatory Pricing


“Can e-commerce platforms build the resilience of brick-and-mortar businesses to the COVID-19 shock? An empirical analysis in the Chinese retail industry,” with Sirui Li, Ying Liu, Xin Luo, Xiao Yang, Electronic Commerce Research, 2023, 23(4), 2827-2857.

“How ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative implementation has influenced R&D outcomes of Chinese enterprises: Asset-exploitation or knowledge transfer?” with Sirui Li, Ying Liu, Michael D. Lepech, Jie Wang, R&D Management, 2021, 51(3), 273-292.

“Host and home country co-determinants of foreign establishment modes: evidence from the Chinese natural resource industries”, with Ping Lv, Peter Gammeltoft, Ilan Alon, European Journal of International Management, accepted and forthcoming.