Robust Adaptive Learning (RAL) Lab

Jing Yuan  Email

Hi there! I joined the CSE Department at University of North Texas as an assistant professor in 2022 Fall. I got my Ph.D. from CS@UT Dallas. I received my B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from Nanjing University. My research focuses on AI for equitable, robust and efficient decision making, integrating methods from machine learning, optimization, and social networks. My research has been published in AAAI, IJCAI, AAMAS and CIKM.

I'm looking for PhD students at UNT next year!  If you are interested in AI, social welfare and equity, please consider applying to the CSE DepartmentWe are offering incoming Ph.D. students (starting in Spring or Fall) full financial support. Email with your C.V. if you are interested in joining our group.
